Dear All,


Per action item #1, I took the liberty to restructure the survey based on the group’s discussions. The original draft of questions is on the last page for reference.


As you will see, there are now five sections with a blend of quantitative and qualitative survey questions. Each question also provides a bracket reference for the response format. Please don’t be frightened by the length, as it looks longer than it really is due to page breaks. Of note though, given the nature of this topic and the types of feedback required here for how the GNSO will tackle continuous improvement, it’s staff’s opinion that a quick, less than 10 minute survey will not be sufficient. We need robust and substantive feedback from the stakeholders of the GNSO, because whether the CCOICI is fit for purpose or not, the current/future work MUST still be performed.




Please feel free to make suggested edits or comments.


Thank you.


Julie and Berry.


Berry Cobb

Policy Development – Senior Program Manager

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 


Mobile: +1 424 443 8960

Phone: +1 202 570 7240
Fax: +1 202 789 0104

Twitter: @berrycobb



From: GNSO-CCOICI <> on behalf of Julie Hedlund <>
Date: Wednesday, November 22, 2023 at 18:58
To: "" <>
Subject: [GNSO-CCOICI] Actions & Notes | CCOICI meeting on Wednesday 22 November at 12:00 UTC


Dear All,


Please see the following actions and notes for the CCOICI meeting on Wednesday, 22 November at 12:00 UTC:


Best regards,



Acton Items:


  1. Pilot Survey: CCOICI members and staff support to review and edit the draft survey questions at: []
  2. WS2 CCG Questions and CCOICI draft responses: CCOICI members to review and suggest edits to the WS2 CCG questions and draft responses at: [].
  3. CCOICI Membership: Groups should review their representatives on the CCOICI at and provide any changes to the list as soon as possible but not later than Wednesday, 06 December.
  4. Next Meeting: CCOICI members should respond on the list not later than Monday, 27 November if they have conflicts with a meeting on Wednesday, 13 December at 12:00 UTC.




1. Welcome from the Chair



2. GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot: Develop a survey for CCOICI and Task Force current and former members


Suggested draft questions: []




ACTION ITEM: CCOICI members and staff support to review and edit the draft survey questions at: []


3. WS2 Community Coordination Group (see: Consider the request  and draft a response for the Council to consider


Questions and Draft Responses – See: []


ACTION ITEM: CCOICI members to review and suggest edits to the WS2 CCG questions and draft responses at: []


 4. CCOICI Membership: re-appoint representatives


ACTION ITEM: Groups should review their representatives on the CCOICI at and provide any changes to the list as soon as possible but not later than Wednesday, 06 December.


5. AOB 


  • Next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, 13 December at 12:00 UTC.


ACTION ITEM: CCOICI members should respond on the list not later than Monday, 27 November if they have conflicts with a meeting on Wednesday, 13 December at 12:00 UTC.