Dear All,


Noting the intensity of Council meetings this week which seems to have impacted the ability to complete the action items below, we’ve consulted with Olga who has agreed to reschedule the CCOICI meeting to Wednesday 1 December at 13.00 UTC. That should give everyone almost 2 additional weeks to complete the assignments below. Your input is key to delivering on the tasks that have been assigned by the Council to the CCOICI. Please make sure to provide your input in the google docs below by Monday 29 November at the latest.




Emily, Julie and Marika


From: GNSO-CCOICI <> on behalf of Marika Konings <>
Date: Monday, 15 November 2021 at 16:54
To: "" <>
Subject: [GNSO-CCOICI] Reminder - Action Items




Action Items:


  1. ACTION ITEM: CCOICI members to review the preliminary responses to the questions at [] and provide feedback before the meeting on 17 November if possible.
  2. ACTION ITEM: CCOICI members to take the test survey at [] and provide feedback in the Google doc at [] before the meeting on 17 November if possible.


From: GNSO-CCOICI <> on behalf of Marika Konings <>
Date: Thursday, 11 November 2021 at 09:14
To: Julie Hedlund <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [GNSO-CCOICI] Action Items and Notes: CCOICI Meeting 10 Nov at 13:00 UTC


Dear All,


As mentioned, please note that we’ve added an additional table to the test survey input form ( []) to capture your input on the PDP 3.0 developed WG leadership survey. However, please focus your input for next week’s meeting on the first table concerning the test WG self-assessment. Of course, if you are able to, you are also welcome to already provide your input on the second table as well, but we understand if some additional time may be needed for that homework.


In addition, please find here for your review the proposed call for volunteers for the SOI Task Force: []. We would like to circulate this call for volunteers early next week so please provide any input you have by Monday 15 November COB.




Emily, Julie and Marika


From: GNSO-CCOICI <> on behalf of Julie Hedlund <>
Date: Wednesday, 10 November 2021 at 15:18
To: "" <>
Subject: [GNSO-CCOICI] Action Items and Notes: CCOICI Meeting 10 Nov at 13:00 UTC


Dear members of the CCOICI,


Please see below the action items and brief notes for the meeting of the Committee on Wednesday, 10 November at 13.00 UTC.  Please see the relevant materials which can be found on the wiki page:


The next meeting will be scheduled for Wednesday, 17 November at 13.00 UTC.


Kind regards,

Marika & Julie


Action Items:


  1. ACTION ITEM: CCOICI members to review the preliminary responses to the questions at [] and provide feedback before the meeting on 17 November if possible.
  2. ACTION ITEM: CCOICI members to take the test survey at [] and provide feedback in the Google doc at [] before the meeting on 17 November if possible.




Proposed Agenda – CCOICI Meeting on Wednesday 10 November at 13.00 UTC


1. Welcome


a. Status update on SOI Task Force Assignment



2. Working Group Self-Assessment - Review preliminary responses to key questions


a. Review preliminary responses (see attached)


b. CCOICI Input



First segment: Initial thoughts on improvements and enhancements that can be introduced:



Second segment: Should a more periodic survey be introduced, and if so, what impact does this have on the existing ‘end of life’ survey?



Third segment: Should an assessment of the performance of WG leadership be part of the WG Self-Assessment?



c. Confirm next steps


ACTION ITEM: CCOICI members to review the preliminary responses to the questions at [] and provide feedback before the meeting on 17 November if possible.


3. Working Group Self-Assessment – Test WG Self-Assessment Survey


a. CCOICI to complete test survey - []


b. Feedback mechanism



c. Confirm next steps


ACTION ITEM: CCOICI members to take the test survey at [] and provide feedback in the Google doc at [] before the meeting on 17 November if possible.


4. Confirm action items & next meeting (Wednesday 17 November at 13.00 UTC)