Dear CCOICI members,


First of all, best wishes for 2022. We hope you all had a nice and relaxing break.


As discussed, the staff support team has taken a first stab at translating the CCOICI input and discussions to date into proposed updates and additions to relevant WGSA documents such as the existing WGSA, relevant sections in the GNSO Operating Procedures and WG Charter template as well as a new periodic WG assessment. You can review these proposed updates / additions here: Please note that this document already contains redline text which reflects proposed updates to existing documents. In addition, a number of questions have been identified that will require CCOICI input.


As there is a lot of information to digest, we would propose to do a run through of this document during next week’s meeting (Wednesday 12 January at 13.00 UTC). Of course, if before that time you already have a chance to review this document and you have comments, questions or suggestions that you would like to add, feel free to do so. Please do so by using the “insert – comment” option.


Best regards,


Emily, Julie and Marika