Dear All,

As you are aware, the GNSO Council extended our mandate and has requested that we review a number of WS2 items that are Council specific. The staff support team has been requested to prepare a background briefing on the items identified that will help inform our deliberations and development of an approach and project plan. The resolution also asks the CCOICI to reach out to the GNSO SG/Cs to identify WS2 experts that may be in a position to advise the CCOICI in our tasks. 

As we await the background briefing, I would like to ask all of you to reach out to your respective groups to see if there are any WS2 experts that would be willing and available to assist us in this task. Unless they would be interested, I don’t anticipate that they would need to partake in all our meetings but we may want to call on them at the outset of our deliberations to better understand the original intent of these recommendations so that this can be factored into the CCOICI’s review of these specific WS2 items.

As a reminder, these are the WS2 items that have been assigned to the CCOICI:

  1. Review the staff assessment of GNSO Council’s implementation status of Recommendation 2 Guidelines for Good Faith Conduct (2.1, 2.2) and Recommendation 6 SO/AC Accountability (6.1-6.5);
  2. Recommendation 1 Diversity – revisit Council’s initial prioritization and carry out implementation for applicable sub recommendations, if any;
  3. Recommendation 3 Human Rights Framework – carry out implementation from GNSO Council’s perspective;
  4. Recommendation 6.1.5 (non-mandatory) – discuss whether the GNSO Council wishes to implement, and if so, how to implement;
  5. Rank Recommendations 1, 2.3 and 3 from Council’s perspective to help inform the prioritization by the Community Coordination Group.

I’ve requested the GNSO Secretariat to schedule our next meeting for Wednesday 30 March at 12.00 UTC so we can start considering our assignment. I hope this works for everyone. If not, please let gnso-secs know off-list.

Best regards,

Olga Cavalli