Dear All,


In preparation for the EPDP-IDNs F2F workshop, leadership and staff have developed the draft agenda for your review:


On this document, we have included prep materials based on topics / corresponding charter questions. We would like to draw your attention to three items:

  1. ICANN org Report on Languages and Scripts in the TMCH: This report was done in November 2021 as part of the data/metrics gathering effort to support the EPDP deliberation on charter question F1. It was circulated to the list in 2021, but we are re-sending the report (attached) for your review.
  2. Phase 2 Draft Glossary: This is slated for discussion in Day 3 of the workshop, but you are welcome to review the document in advance and suggest edits or comments on the Google doc.
  3. Deferred items from IDN Implementation Guidelines v4.0 (see Annex): This is related to the charter questions G1/G1a. The ICANN Board and GNSO Council had lengthy discussion about v4.0 from 2018-2022. The outcome of this discussion is that several items from v4.0 were deferred for Board adoption because they overlap with topics for the EPDP-IDNs Team to address. Though the GNSO Council did not explicitly ask the EPDP Team to deliberate on these items, we carved out some time to review them in Day 3 to confirm the EPDP Team’s deliberations have indeed covered these items.


Some additional notes:


Happy Thanksgiving break to those who celebrate! We will be in touch, and see you soon!


Best Regards,

Ariel, Steve, Dan


Ariel Xinyue Liang

Policy Research Senior Manager

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)