Dear all,


Please find below the notes and action items from today’s meeting on Thursday, 27 October 2022 at 13:30 UTC.


Kind regards,


Ariel, Steve, and Emily



Notes and Action Items - IDNs EPDP Call – 27 October 2022


Action Items


Action Item 1: Staff to follow up about which EPDP Team meetings may need to be cancelled in November and December.


Action Item 2: EPDP members to provide input via mailing list on Charter Question E2 regarding the Legal Rights Objection. Staff to summarize key points for this discussion and Leadership to suggest a path forward.


Action Item 3: Leadership team to consider additional framing for the question at hand regarding Charter Question E2 for Community Objections and bring this back to the EPDP Team.




Welcome and Chair Updates


Action Item 1: Staff to follow up about which EPDP Team meetings may need to be cancelled in November and December.



Continue Discussion of Charter Question B4 [], Discussion Question 2: Based on the observations, is there a compelling reason to allow applications for variant gTLDs of existing gTLDs between application rounds?

When a variant delegation process is established, applicants may be required to submit additional information such as implementation details for the variant TLD management mechanism, and may need to participate in a subsequent evaluation process, which could contain additional fees and review steps.”


Continue Discussion of Charter Question E2 [] – Options for Legal Rights and Community Objections

·      Slide 9 – Legal Rights Objection Recommendation options

·      Slide 10 – Legal Rights Objection: Option 2 Rationale and Example

·      The IPC opposes the hybrid model for string similarity review, but if the model is adopted, option 2 will allow for some mitigation. If there is an exception process, option 1 is possible, but option 2 is preferred. Trademark holders should not be prevented from applying for their mark because it is confusingly similar to the blocked variant of another IDN.

·      Clarification: The IPC believes that if B2 and A1 are applied for in the same round they shouldn’t be a contention set. If A1 is delegated and B2 is applied for in the next round, that is allowed. If that exception process is not put into place, there needs to be a way for B2 to object to A1.

·      Additional clarification: IPC wants it to be possible for B2 and A1 to coexist. If there is no exception process, the Option 2 won’t be satisfactory. Presumably A1 and B2 will have different meaning and can therefore coexist without confusion.

·      Response: It is possible that the outcome of a successful objection by B2 could be that A1 could be delegated but A2 could not be requested in the future.

·      Question: How does the same entity principle come into play here?

·      Response: The same entity principle is not a problem because it only applies to variants and confusables.

·      Comment: Just because we allow an objection, it doesn’t mean that the objector will prevail. Different outcomes are possible if B2 objects:

·      Comment: If B2 objected to A2 and B2 and A1 are being used for different things, then it’s likely that B2 wouldn’t prevail under the standards of the Legal Rights Objection.


Action Item 2: EPDP members to provide input via mailing list on Charter Question E2 regarding the Legal Rights Objection. Staff to summarize key points for this discussion and Leadership to suggest a path forward.



Action Item 3: Leadership team to consider additional framing for the question at hand regarding Charter Question E2 for Community Objections and bring this back to the EPDP Team.



Begin Discussion of Charter Question E6 []