Dear all,


Please find below the notes and action items from today’s meeting on Wednesday, 25 August 2021 at 13:00 UTC.


A doodle poll will be circulated shortly to assist with scheduling next week’s meeting. Please respond to this poll as quickly as possible.


Best regards,


Steve, Marika, and Emily




IDNs EPDP – Notes and Action Items

Meeting #3 on 25 August 2021


Action Items:


ACTION ITEM 1: Members to read background documents included in Edmon’s welcome email and confirm when they have done so here. The welcome email is available at:


ACTION ITEM 2: Staff to circulate and members/participants to fill out doodle poll to schedule next week’s meeting and future meetings.





  1. Roll Call & SOI Updates


  1. Welcome & Chair Updates



ACTION ITEM 1: Members to read background documents included in Edmon’s welcome email  and confirm when they have done so here. The welcome email is available at:



  1. Background briefing from ICANN org (continued from last week)



  1. Begin initial review of charter questions



  1. AOB



ACTION ITEM 2: Staff to circulate and members/participants to fill out doodle poll to schedule next week’s meeting and future meetings.