Dear all,


Please find below the notes and action items from today’s meeting on Thursday 2 September 2021 at 13:00 UTC.


As noted on the call, as a standard step in the GNSO EPDP/PDP staff will draft a letter to SO/AC/SG/Cs asking for early input on the charter questions. The WG will have an opportunity to review the draft and provide feedback before this is sent to SO/AC/SG/Cs. Based on conversations to date, it appears that the charter questions are fit for purpose to include as written with the outreach letter. If there are any concerns with this approach, please response on list.


As a reminder, there are two action items for members and participants:


ACTION ITEM 1: Members to read background documents included in Edmon’s welcome email and confirm when they have done so here. The welcome email is available at:


ACTION ITEM 2: Members and participants to review the data and metrics part of the charter on page 19 and think about whether other data and metrics would be useful for the group to consider in deliberating on charter questions.   


Best regards,


Steve, Marika, and Emily




IDNs EPDP – Notes and Action Items

Meeting #4 on 2 September 2021


Action Items:


ACTION ITEM 1: Members to read background documents included in Edmon’s welcome email and confirm when they have done so here. The welcome email is available at:


ACTION ITEM 2: Members and participants to review the data and metrics part of the charter on page 19 and think about whether other data and metrics would be useful for the group to consider in deliberating on charter questions.   




  1. Roll Call & SOI Updates


  1. Welcome & Chair Updates


  1. Begin initial review of charter questions (continued) – Topics C-G


  1. Early outreach to SO/AC/SG/Cs



  1. Begin deliberations on Topic A: Consistent definition and technical utilization of RZ-LGR


  1. AOB


ACTION ITEM 1: Members and participants to read background documents included in Edmon’s welcome email and confirm when they have done so here. The welcome email is available at:


ACTION ITEM 2: Members and participants to review the data and metrics part of the charter on page 19 and think about whether other data and metrics would be useful for the group to consider in deliberating on charter questions.