Thank you, Dennis and Justine, for submitting input from your groups.


Best Regards,



From: Justine Chew <>
Date: Thursday, February 2, 2023 at 11:46 PM
To: Ariel Liang <>, "" <>
Subject: [Ext] Re: [Gnso-epdp-idn-team] Reminder: Draft Output: Charter Questions A7, B4, D1b, E5, E6


Hello Ariel, all,

I am submitting the ALAC Team's comments on their behalf:

We are reserving our comments on Rec 2.6 and IG x.x in light of the discussions in the EPDP Team Call yesterday (2 Feb), and also because the present call for comments to CQ D1b  was limited to only Rec 2.9 and Rec 2.10 per your email of 19 Jan.




On Fri, 3 Feb 2023 at 04:48, Tan Tanaka, Dennis via Gnso-epdp-idn-team <> wrote:

Hi Ariel,


Here are my observations:

The rest looks good to me, consistent to our group deliberations.


Thank you,




From: Gnso-epdp-idn-team <> on behalf of Ariel Liang <>
Date: Thursday, February 2, 2023 at 9:04 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Gnso-epdp-idn-team] Reminder: Draft Output: Charter Questions A7, B4, D1b, E5, E6


Caution: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 

Dear All,


This is a reminder to kindly provide your input for the new draft text highlighted below by EOB tomorrow (Thursday, 2 February).


Thank you for your review!



From: Ariel Liang <>
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 12:17 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Draft Output: Charter Questions A7, B4, D1b, E5, E6


Dear All 


As mentioned by Donna during today’s call, please find the new batch of draft output text in response to the following charter questions. The draft text is included in the google docs as redlines.

·         A7, Rec 1.14, pp.13-15: []

·         B4, Recs 2.11-2.14, pp.3-5: []

·         D1b, Recs 2.9-10, pp.2-3, 5-6: []

o   Note: the redlines on Recs 2.6 and Rec 2.xx require additional discussion by the EPDP Team in conjunction with the review of ICANN org input. Only the new recs 2.9-10 and their rationale are requested to be reviewed this round.

·         E5, Recs 3.10-3.11, pp.3-6: []

·         E6, p.6: []  

All of these documents are also posted on the wiki page here: [].


Following the agreed format, the draft output language includes the following components:

·         Brief answer to the charter question 

·         Recommendations and implementation guidance  

·         Rationale for recommendations and implementation guidance 

Please provide any input/suggestion for the draft outcome language on the mailing list by EOB Thursday, 2 February.


Thank you for your review!


Best Regards,

Ariel, Steve, Emily



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