Thanks Jennifer

Look forward to discussing this with the team later today.

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On 22 Feb 2024, at 6:10 pm, Jennifer Chung via Gnso-epdp-idn-team <> wrote:

Hi All,


In preparation for our call later, the Ry IDN small group have come up with some proposed text that can be placed either in implementation guidance (although there is no specific rec coming out of C5) or part of the response:



Although there is no specific recommendation coming out of C5, there are high level principles that should be followed during the implementation of this policy recommendation to ensure that the overall process can retain the flexibility that can accommodate for different registry operator technical solutions and business decisions, but can still be implementable in a consistent manner.


  1. ICANN is the manager for the root zone, and registry operators are the managers for second (and subsequent) level(s). As such, operational aspects in terms of the implementation of IDNs at the second level, including harmonization mechanisms should remain in the responsibilities and scope of each respective manager.
  2. The implementation of IDNs at the second level, including evolving issues such as harmonization and homoglyphs should be undertaken by respective registry operators in an operational process with ICANN org, and must follow the IDNA2008 (including any future versions) and the IDN Implementation Guidelines (including any future versions).
  3. Security and stability of the DNS is the baseline criteria. Further details on the procedure, scope and requirements should be developed by registry operators, ICANN org and other relevant stakeholders.



Looking forward to our discussion later on the call.





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