Dear all,


Please find below the notes from today’s meeting on Thursday, 27 January 2022 at 13:30 UTC.


Kind regards,


Ariel, Steve, and Emily




Action Items:


Action Item #1: Staff to send follow up message to the mailing list reminding members to provide any comments. Members to provide any input by 2 February 2022.


Action Item #2: Leadership team to ensure that the recommendations in relation to A6 provide safeguards for the existing contracted parties. Be more explicit by what we mean by grandfathering. In recommendation 1.4, take out “to the extent feasible”, include that the RZ-LGR MUST be updated. Add implementation guidance explaining specific expectations regarding the limited circumstances for exceptions to backwards compatibility.


Action Item #3: Leadership team to add a recommendation reaffirming the principle of backward compatibility.


Action Item #4: Leadership team to update recommendation 1.6 to be more specific in the definition of grandfathering and the circumstances throughout the TLD lifecycle where this applies.


Action Item #5: Leadership team to draft implementation guidance in relation to recommendation 1.5 focused on who should provide that information as part of the public comment.



Notes – IDNs EPDP Call – 27 January 2022


Sequence of Charter Questions



Action Item #1: Staff to send follow up message to the mailing list reminding members to provide any comments. Members to provide any input by 2 February 2022.


Charter question A6 – continued deliberations on open items (see open items under A6 in the Draft Outcome document [])


Action Item #2: Leadership team to ensure that the recommendations in relation to A6 provide safeguards for the existing contracted parties. Be more explicit by what we mean by grandfathering. In recommendation 1.4, take out “to the extent feasible”, include that the RZ-LGR MUST be updated. Add implementation guidance explaining specific expectations regarding the limited circumstances for exceptions to backwards compatibility.



Action Item #3: Leadership team to add a recommendation reaffirming the principle of backward compatibility.



Action Item #4: Leadership team to update recommendation 1.6 to be more specific in the definition of grandfathering and the circumstances throughout the TLD lifecycle where this applies.



Action Item #5: Leadership team to draft implementation guidance in relation to recommendation 1.5 focused on who should provide that information as part of the public comment.



Charter questions A7