Canceled: IDNs EPDP Team meeting

Meeting: IDNs EPDP Team Date/time: Occurs Weekly on Thursdays from 29 June 2023 – 12 October 2023 at 12:00 UTC for 2 hours Please click link to join the webinar: <> Passcode: !!0tV0Wh&K For Audio only: One tap mobile : US: +13017158592,,94276275950#,,,,*5259149775# or +13126266799,,94276275950#,,,,*5259149775# Webinar ID: 942 7627 5950 Passcode: 5259149775 International numbers available: <;!!PtGJab4!va...> If this is your first time with Zoom, please take a look here: Welcome to Zoom <> Members, participants, and observers all have different access and participation directions, please read below! ALL: Before joining the call * Please send dial out requests to<> only * Please be sure you have read the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior <> * Visit the Wiki page: * Check your time zone (29 June): ONLY for Members and Participants * Please join via the above Main Zoom Webinar link and staff will promote you to panelist. * Please select Everyone, when posting to the chat in order for everyone to see and to be captured afterwards. Only for Observers: * Observers will have ability to view member chat and information shared in the zoom webinar room. * Observers will not be able to use chat or raise hands.
participants (1)
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