Here’s the BC response to Caitlin’s questions:



All the best,



Margie & Mark,

On behalf of the BC




Proposed text for the Purposes Building Block:


With respect to the ICANN purpose for this disclosure, the EPDP Team recommends that the requestors may select from the following purposes:


Purpose 2.1: The EPDP recognizes that ICANN has a responsibility to foster the openness, interoperability, resilience, security and/or stability of the DNS in accordance with its stated mission (Bylaws Section 1.1). It has a purpose to require actors in the ecosystem to respond to data disclosure requests that are related to the security, stability and resilience of the system.

Purpose 2.2: The EPDP recognizes that third parties may submit data disclosure requests for the following specific purposes: (i) criminal law enforcement, national or public security, (ii) non law enforcement investigations and civil claims, including, intellectual property infringement and UDRP and URS claims,  (iii)  contacting registrants, (iv) consumer protection, abuse prevention, digital service provider (DSP) and network security, or (v)  Registered name holder consent or contract. 



From: Gnso-epdp-team <> on behalf of Caitlin Tubergen <>
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 3:02 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: [Gnso-epdp-team] For your review: purposes and user groups


Dear EPDP Team:


Under the Team’s current review schedule, no time has been set aside to further discuss purposes and user groups. To that end, we wanted to test a proposed approach to these building blocks as outlined in the list of issues that was shared prior to ICANN66.


User groups:

“The EPDP Team expects that the question of user groups will be addressed through the accreditation policy; specifically, all requestors will need to be accredited, and accreditation will include identity verification, which may include user category/categories.” 



“As identified in building block a) criteria and content of requests, each request must include information about the legal rights of the requestor specific to the request and/or specific rationale and/or justification for the request, e.g. What is the basis or reason for the request; Why is it necessary for the requestor to ask for this data? The EPDP Team expects that over time, the entity responsible for receiving requests will be able to identify certain patterns that could result in the development of a preset list of rationales and/or justifications that a requestor can select from, while always maintaining the option for the requestor to provide this information in free form”.


Based on your feedback, the leadership team will determine when to discuss this further or whether the proposed approach has sufficient support to be incorporated in the draft Initial Report.


Please provide feedback by Thursday, 28 November.


Best regards,


Marika, Berry, and Caitlin