Hoping I can email to the EPDP list since I am filling in for Mark SV today.


Appreciate the diagram in the Zero doc, but I still think we need a simple context diagram to show how it all fits together.


Please consider the attached draft.





On 8/27/19, 12:00 PM, "Gnso-epdp-team on behalf of Janis Karklins" <gnso-epdp-team-bounces@icann.org on behalf of karklinsj@gmail.com> wrote:


Dear EPDP Team,


Please find attached for your review the zero draft as well as an accompanying diagram. As you know, our staff support team has developed this document at the request of leadership to serve as a starting point for our deliberations in LA. As noted in the document, this paper aims to represent views that appeared to have been broadly shared or are based on the current status of work but these do NOT represent formally agreed to EPDP Team positions. Further review and discussion during the LA F2F meeting will need to confirm whether there is support for these policy principles, building blocks and implementation guidance and if not, how these should be modified to achieve general support. The paper also identifies a number of questions that are intended to aid the EPDP Team in further detailing its intent.


I hope you will review this document with this background in mind. During Thursday’s extraordinary meeting, the staff support team will walk you through the document and there will be an opportunity to share initial reactions which I expect will be focused on how to constructively use this document as the basis for our LA deliberations. As you may recall, the next steps are as follows:


  • Extraordinary EPDP Team meeting to present zero draft and get initial reactions from EPDP Team: Thursday 29 August at 20.00 UTC (note, this meeting will be in addition to the regular EPDP Team meeting at 14.00 UTC)
  • Conduct survey to assess which aspects of the zero draft are of most concern and as such should be prioritized for the F2F meeting: Monday 2 – Wednesday 4 September.
  • Confirm priority items for F2F meeting and confirm ‘homework’ for F2F meeting: Thursday 5 September (regular EPDP Team meeting)


We hope this approach will allow us to get the most out of our F2F time and will result in significant progress towards delivering our Initial Report.

