Dear EPDP Team,


Please find below the proposed agenda for the next EPDP Team meeting which is scheduled for Thursday 19 September at 14.00 UTC. As a reminder, here are the action items coming out of the F2F meeting:


  1. Alex Deacon, Milton Mueller and other willing volunteers to draft a write up of a potential accreditation model, taking into account the Team’s F2F discussions, in advance of the Thursday, 19 September meeting. 
  2. IPC, BC, SSAC, and GAC reps to separately draft a vision for their “ideal accreditation model” in order to assist the group with what the baseline accreditation requirements could be as well as the attendant benefits of accreditation within the architecture of an SSAD by Wednesday, September 18
  3. Support Staff to create a table (in the form of a Google Doc) which includes a column for each lawful basis and a column for what a requesting party would be required to provide in its request, what is the expected response time, is automation likely, what are the standardized categories that may fall within that lawful basis, etc. See  Following receipt of the table, the EPDP Team members to populate the contents of the table by Wednesday 25 September. If there are commonalities, policy recommendations can be drafted accordingly.  
  4. Support staff to create a Google Doc (see in which EPDP Team Members are to review and consider the types of disclosure decision models (in other words, who is making the ultimate determination to disclose non-public registration data - contracted party or ICANN) and what would make these options acceptable to the different groups by Thursday, September 19.
  5. EPDP Team to review the legal memos and come back with the most relevant points that need to be factored in as the Staff Support Team produces the 1.0 draft by Thursday, September 19.
  6. James and Mark Sv. to work together on a revised proposal for Building Block L (SSAD query policy) by Thursday, September 19. When discussing updates to Building Block L, Team members to consider if it is within the Team’s charter to continue discussing this issue.
  7. Matt C. to review the legal advice on how to perform the balancing test and update Alan Woods’ initial balancing test document into a simple guide to conduct the balancing test to be included in the next iteration of the zero draft by Thursday, September 19
  8. Contracted party Team members to draft letter to ICANN Board, outlining scenarios discussed, including where the disclosure decision lies within the SSAD, and inquire whether there are any options the Board would not be amenable to.


Best regards,


Caitlin, Berry and Marika




EPDP Phase 2 - Meeting #19

Proposed Agenda

Thursday, 19 September 2019 at 14.00 UTC


1.                            Roll Call & SOI Updates (5 minutes)


2.                            Confirmation of agenda (Chair)


3.                            Welcome and housekeeping issues (Chair) (5 minutes)

a)                      Legal committee update


4.                            Accreditation (30 minutes)

a)                      Overview of updates made in response to input received during F2F meeting       (Alex Deacon, Milton Mueller)

b)                     Feedback from EPDP Team

c)                      Confirm next steps  


5.                            Query Policy – second/final reading (15 minutes)

a)                      Overview of updates made in response to input received during F2F meeting       (James Bladel, Mark Svancarek)

b)                     Feedback from EPDP Team

c)                      Confirm next steps  


6.                            Who should be responsible for disclosure decision (30 minutes)

a)                      Review team input (see                1NN9WrL6Y6A3XQuniv8/edit)

b)                     Consider team input and approach forward

c)                      Confirm next steps


7.                            Proposed schedule of meetings and topics to be covered until ICANN66 (15 minutes)

a)                      Review proposed schedule

b)                     Feedback from EPDP Team

c)                      Confirm next steps


8.                            Wrap and confirm next EPDP Team meeting (5 minutes):

a)                      Thursday 26 September 2019 at 14.00 UTC

b)                     Confirm action items

c)                      Confirm questions for ICANN Org, if any



Marika Konings

Vice President, Policy Development Support – GNSO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 



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