Thank you Rafik for all you have done until now for this group. 


On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 1:22 PM Mark Svancarek (CELA) via Gnso-epdp-team <> wrote:

Rafik, thank you for your service both as Vice Chair and as Acting Chair.



From: Gnso-epdp-team <> On Behalf Of Rafik Dammak
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 18:05
Subject: [Gnso-epdp-team] Additional updates


Dear EPDP Team:


First, I would like to share with you that GNSO Council just approved the appointment of Janis Karklins as the new EPDP Team Chair. With that, I believe my role as acting chair ends.


On other hand, I appreciate some members’ concerns that we should avoid making decisions and waiting for the new chair appointment.  At this stage, we are not making binding decisions on the team’s future work plan; we are only doing some prep work during this transition phase. We are trying to organize and compile the feedback we've received so far into a digestible format to assist (1) the new chair in the leadership transition and to assist in speeding up that process; (2) the team members in communicating additional thoughts (if any) after having had time to digest the discussions from ICANN64; and (3) I and staff support team as we prepare supporting materials for the Team’s early work in Phase 2.  For those who are willing, we welcome any feedback you would like to provide.


Worksheet Template


As outlined in my last email, the leadership and staff support team have put together a worksheet template, which is designed to assist the team in developing its work plan for Phase 2 for each issue identified on the mind map.


The worksheet template outlines:


(1)   a description of the issue;

(2)   associated charter questions (if any);

(3)   expected deliverable(s);

(4)   legal questions (if any);

(5)   required reading;

(6)   requested briefings;

(7)   dependencies;

(8)   proposed timing and approach


We are looking to receive any feedback on the template or on the example worksheet we circulated two weeks ago. While we hope this means you find this format helpful for our future work, we continue to welcome feedback on the template. We also thought it would be helpful to provide an example worksheet on the topic of standardized access, as this is a topic that many of you prioritized for our work in Phase 2.


As previously noted, I understand our regular meetings have not yet resumed, but early feedback will allow new leadership and staff to comprehensively prepare for Phase 2.


Thank you. 


Best regards,


Rafik Dammak


GNSO Council liaison

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