Dear Rafik, Staff, and the ePDP team,
[Resending with proper subject line] Per the deadline for minority statements, the SSAC is providing the enclosed document, SAC112, which encapsulates our minority statement.  This document provides further background and rationale for the SSAC’s non-support of some of the recommendations in the final report, discusses issues not addressed by the report, and details concerns with some items we supported with reservations.  This is an SSAC published document that has gone through our full review process and is thus the consensus view of the SSAC.  We greatly appreciate having the deadline for minority statements extended so that we and other ACs could go through their formal processes to provide fully considered feedback outside of the GNSO processes that the EPDP works under.

On a practical consideration, we do anticipate that the EPDP staff may wish to strip the SSAC document boilerplate from our statement for inclusion into the final report.  Please work with the SSAC support staff if there are questions on how to best do that.  Speaking of the EPDP staff, I would like to take this opportunity to extend a huge thank you to the EPDP support staff for their amazing work over the past years!

Thank you to all for the massive amount of work that went into this document and the opportunity to participate and share our views as part of the process.  We look forward to continuing to move forward constructively on finding a balanced, practical, consistent, and efficient solution for providing legal access to domain registration data.
Thank You,

Rod Rasmussen
SSAC Chair