Dear Kurt
Dear Team Membres, Alternates, observera  
Dear Marika and her secretariat colleagues
Well done
The results of months of serious and tedious works now brought its fruits 
How much efforts every one  if you individually and collectively put in this works
It is amazing  that in less than 7 months such a valuable products were  offered to the ICANN family 
It was a collective efforts and results of hard works performed with dedication 
Dear Kurt
Dear Marika and colleagues 
How much devotion, efforts, dedications and  hard works you have done . What you  accomplished in such a short period is fantastic 
You worked tirelessly , professionally nand skilfully 
You deserve a profound appreciation by the community. What you did was a call beyond the duty and incredible 
Dear Members , alternates and participants even though we have had  hard   time  with some emotion but finally we almost agreed to produce   what which was unexpected to be done in such a short time and on such a complex and controversial subject  
This expedited work will put a golden record in the activities of ICANN community
Now be ready fir another Gard work 
Good luck on phase 2


Sent from my iPhone

On 4 Mar 2019, at 22:40, Rafik Dammak <> wrote:

Dear EPDP team,

I am happy to share that GNSO Council just approved our final report and recommendations.
Thanks again for the work done. Please find the motion below.

Best Regards,


Adoption of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification Final Report and Recommendations

Submitted by Rafik Dammak

Seconded by Keith Drazek



1. On 17 May 2018, the ICANN Board adopted the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data pursuant to the procedures in the Registry Agreement and Registrar Accreditation Agreement concerning the establishment of temporary policies.

2. Following the adoption of the Temporary Specification, and per the procedure for Temporary Policies as outlined in the Registry Agreement and Registrar Accreditation Agreement, a Consensus Policy development process as set forth in ICANN's Bylaws needs to be initiated immediately and completed within a one-year time period from the implementation effective date (25 May 2018) of the Temporary Specification.

3. The GNSO Council has had a number of discussions about next steps to clarify issues around scope, timing and expectations, including a meeting between the GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency Chairs on 21 May 2018 , the Council meeting on 24 May 2018, a meeting between the ICANN Board and the GNSO Council on 5 June 2018 and an extraordinary GNSO Council meeting on 12 June 2018.

4. Subsequently, the GNSO Council agreed to form a drafting team, consisting of Council leadership and interested Council members, to develop the EPDP Initiation Request and EPDP Team Charter. The drafting team submitted the proposed EPDP Initiation Request and EPDP Team Charter to the GNSO Council on 19 July 2018.

5. The GNSO Council approved the EPDP Initiation Request [ and the EPDP Team Charter ( on 19 July 2018;

6. The EPDP Team was formed and held its first meeting on 1 August 2018, followed by the publication of the Charter-required “Triage” Report on 15 September 2018, and its Initial Report on 21 November;

7.In its deliberations, the EPDP Team developed a recommendation for the transition between the lapse of the Temporary Specification and the completion of implementation work on the Policy Recommendations now submitted for approval.

8. Due to the unique circumstances concerning the deadline for implementation, and in order to minimize the transition period, the EPDP Leadership and Team informally recommends that discussion around implementation deliverables be initiated immediately. This preliminary work will inform the deliberations of the formal Implementation Recommendation Team upon Board approval of the Policy Recommendations.

 9. The EPDP has followed the prescribed EPDP steps as stated in the Bylaws, including the publication of an Initial Report on 21 November (see and resulting in a Final Report delivered on 20 February 2019;

10.The EPDP Team has reached full consensus / consensus on the recommendations contained in the Final Report, apart from two recommendations (#2 and #16);

11. The GNSO Council has reviewed and discussed these recommendations.


1. The GNSO Council recommends to the ICANN Board of Directors the adoption of EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data policy recommendations as detailed in section 5 of the Final Report (;

2. Noting the unique circumstances and external deadlines associated with the Temporary Specification and the work of this EPDP, the GNSO Council supports the EPDP Team’s recommendation to informally convene the Implementation Review Team now to allow additional time for the necessary planning to take place before ICANN Board consideration of this Final Report. The IRT would be formally convened upon Board approval. As such, the GNSO Council directs ICANN Org to informally convene the Implementation Review team as soon as possible. The Implementation Review Team will be tasked with assisting ICANN org in developing the implementation details for the EPDP recommendations, evaluating the proposed implementation of the recommendations as approved by the Board, and working with ICANN staff to ensure that the resultant implementation conforms to the intent of the approved recommendations. The Implementation Review Team shall operate in accordance with the Implementation Review Team Principles and Guidance approved by the GNSO Council in June 2015.

3. The GNSO Council hereby indicates its non-objection, as required per the EPDP Team Charter, for the EPDP Team to commence work on a System for Standardized Access to Non-Public Registration Data as well as other topics identified in Phase 2 of the Charter. The Council does request that the EPDP Team, as a first step, develops its work plan for phase 2 and, furthermore, identifies whether the GNSO Council should consider any updates to the EPDP Team Charter to facilitate the EPDP Team’s work

4. The GNSO Council extends its sincere appreciation to the chair, vice-chair, members, alternates and support staff of the EPDP Team for their tireless efforts to complete Phase 1 in the timeline available.

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