Dear EPDP Team,


Based on the input received by the deadline, please find below the updated agenda (see updates to agenda item #3).


Best regards,


Caitlin, Berry and Marika


From: Gnso-epdp-team <> on behalf of Marika Konings via Gnso-epdp-team <>
Reply to: Marika Konings <>
Date: Tuesday, 27 July 2021 at 15:41
To: "" <>
Subject: [Gnso-epdp-team] Proposed Agenda - EPDP Team Meeting #32 - Thursday 29 July at 14.00 UTC


Dear EPDP Team,


Please find below the proposed agenda for the next meeting which has been scheduled for Thursday 29 July at 14.00 UTC.


As a reminder, please don’t forget to provide your group’s input on the discussion tables for topic #1 and #2 (see links below) by tomorrow, Wednesday 28 July COB.


Best regards,


Caitlin, Berry and Marika



EPDP Phase 2A - Meeting #32

Proposed Agenda

Thursday 29 July 2021 at 14.00 UTC


1.                     Roll Call & SOI Updates (5 minutes)


2.                     Welcome & Chair updates (Chair) (5 minutes)

a.     Status of continuation of mediated conversations


3.                     Initial Report Public Comment Review (75 minutes)

a.     EPDP Team Question for Community Input #1 – see PCRT and Discussion Table

b.     Review items flagged for further discussion

·      Item #6

    1. EPDP Team Question for Community Input #2 – see PCRT and Discussion Table

·      Item #5

·      Item #6

·      Item #7

·      Item #10

·      Item #11

·      Item #13

    1. Looking ahead at next assignments:

·      EPDP Team Question for Community Input #3

·      EPDP Team Question for Community Input #4

·      EPDP Team Question for Community Input #5

·      Additional Comments


4.                     Wrap and confirm next EPDP Team meeting (5 minutes):

a.     EPDP Team Meeting #33 Thursday 5 August at 14.00 UTC (tentative)

b.     Confirm action items

c.     Confirm questions for ICANN Org, if any