Hi All and Thanks Kurt. 

My name is Alex Deacon.  As a software engineer I've been involved in the design, implementation and standardization of Internet infrastructure technologies since 1993.  I started my career as a developer at the NASA NIC, was a founding engineer of a small unknown startup called VeriSign where I worked for 15 years and was involved in advanced product development and research in Symantec Labs and at Neustar Labs.  While I was familiar with ICANN's work and activities since its founding I didn't actively participate in the ICANN circus until 2013 as part of my responsibilities as SVP of Internet Technology for the MPAA.   

I was an active participant in the PPSAI PDP, PP IRT and the RDS PDP (Next Gen WHOIS) where I served as a co-chair for the CSG towards the end of that work.  I am now an independent consultant focusing on issues of Internet technology, infrastructure, security, policy and governance and am participating in the EPDP as an IPC rep on behalf of the MPAA.


Alex Deacon
Cole Valley Consulting

On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 9:26 AM Kurt Pritz <kurt@kjpritz.com> wrote:
Hello Everyone:

I hope you don’t mind that I write to you informally from time to time on matters that come to mind where I think it would be of benefit to communicate immediately and not wait for meetings.

In the interest of the meeting tomorrow going smoothly, I want to call your attention to one item in the agenda and “Welcome” note that were sent yesterday.

We have replaced the typical introductory remarks where we go around the table and allow each member to introduce themselves. That would take over an hour of the two-hour session and I want to make better use of your time.

Instead, 2-3 minutes will be allotted to each group to describe its goals for this collaboration and whatever else the members want to describe:e.g.,  the names of the members or any challenges / opportunities they face. Please select a member of your group to speak for all of you. I have also asked that each member send in a brief “bio” (2-4 sentences) that we can post in the team wiki pages. (We have received one so far.)

Thank you for making this adjustment.

Also, I aspire to start the meeting right at the appointed hour. Please login to the meeting slightly before that time. I have sat through many meetings that start late, calculating the combined hourly rate of attendees waiting for the meeting to start. Thanks in advance for making your best efforts here. I certainly understand you have professional matters that must be addressed and might delay your entry from time to time.

I hope you found this useful. I welcome your feedback at anytime. My contact information is below.



Kurt Pritz
Skype: kjpritz
WeChat: kjpritz

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