I agree with the concept described here, although I differ on some specifics, and I thank Matt, Alan, Marc and Matthew for bringing it to the table.

1. The email address issue was omitted

2. The Web Form issue needs to be included, along with the rationale for why it is needed (lack of endorsing anonymized or similar addresses in the public RDDS).

3. There is a conflict in the message between "(i.e., no changes to the status quo from Phase I)" and the Rec 1 bullet saying no changes to the optional differentiation. The standardized flag is a change/addition to Phase 1 Recs.

4. The dialog on Rec 3 asks whether there should be guidance. Guidance is already in Rec 4. I thought the main point of disagreement is whether the new flag must be used by those Rrs who do choose to differentiate.

Given that the focus is asking for input on the various issues that do not have consensus, each issue must be presented with the pro and con positions held by the various EPDP participants.


At 2021-05-28 04:42 PM, Crossman, Matthew via Gnso-epdp-team wrote:

The RySG appreciates the Chair’s clarification that the Initial Report is intended to share progress and solicit input, and is not a representation of consensus on the proposed outputs. We also recognize the importance of timely completion of this initial stage of our work. With that in mind, if the team can agree on the following constructive suggestions to ensure that the report appropriately describes the state of the issues and facilitates community input on areas where there remains significant divergence, the RySG is willing to withdraw our “cannot live with” items as blockers for publication of the Initial Report.