Thanks Keith, and hello all,


Further to the below call to action, I am first of all very happy to join you all in this effort.


More to the point, and especially in light of current timing pressures, I am also happy to be a fresh pair of eyes, sounding board, etc., on any and all individual ideas, ad hoc groups, etc.


Please don’t hesitate to reach out if I can lend a hand.






From: Drazek, Keith <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 6:05 PM
Cc:;; BECKHAM Brian <>
Subject: EPDP 2A -- Call to action....


Hello EPDP 2A team,


We are now one month away from the date I will have to provide an EPDP Phase 2A progress report to the GNSO Council.


The ICANN 70 GNSO Council meeting is scheduled for 24 March, and our charter requires that I report to the Council whether I believe we are on a path to consensus, or not. Our ability to continue work on an initial report and final report are dependent on progress made over the next month. In order to make sufficient progress, everyone MUST do their homework and work together in between calls.


The future of this group is currently up to us, but one month from now, our fate will be in the hands of the GNSO Council. As such, it is critically important that all groups prioritize our work, both in the legal committee and among the full team, so we can make the best case possible. It is incumbent upon those making proposals to help drive the side-work needed to make progress. Proposals should ideally build on recommendations from Phases 1 and 2 and be both implementable and commercially reasonable.


Please reach out to one another, establish ad-hoc small groups, and try to advance this effort around concrete proposals. I know there’s work going on within your respective groups; I’m asking you to reach out and engage one another in between plenaries to find compromise paths forward, if at all possible.


I appreciate the work that’s being done, but we have to dial it up.








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