Dear EPDP colleagues,


I wish to inform you that I had to step down from the GAC as European Commission alternate representative due to my move to another unit in the European Commission dealing with Digital Connectivity in Europe and post COVID Recovery and Resilience Funds.

I wish to warmly thank you all  for the intense but always professional and collegial way we worked the last years (!)  in the EPDP. I still remember the day I was tasked to represent the EC in the EPDP and thought with my naïve mind of engineer: “Sure, WHOIS just one simple Internet protocol…”.


I wish to specially thank the ICANN staff who does an amazing and professional job supporting us in the most efficient and kind way always with a smile J.


I am sad to leave the group almost at the completion of this policy development process but I am confident you will be proud (…and relieved J) upon its completion.


Hope to meet you again,

until then keep safe and well,


Georgios Tselentis


European Commission
Directorate-General for Communication Networks, Content and Technology
B5 Investment in High-Capacity Networks

BU33 2/15
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
Office: +32 229 99923 Mobile: +32 498 999923