Dear EPDP Team,


As mentioned during yesterday’s meeting, please find attached the proposed order for discussing the remaining building blocks and policy principles. Do note that this is subject to change depending on the input received on the building blocks and policy principles by today’s deadline.


Also a reminder: If you have any suggestions for questions to be asked for the interactive part of the meeting of Monday’s plenary session, please share these with the list by Wednesday 30 October at the latest.


Best regards,


Caitlin, Berry and Marika


From: Gnso-epdp-team <> on behalf of Marika Konings <>
Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2019 at 14:21
To: "" <>
Subject: [Gnso-epdp-team] Overview of ICANN66 meetings and input requested on plenary questions


Dear EPDP Team,


As discussed during today’s meeting, please find hereby the overview of EPDP Phase 2 related meetings:



Other EPDP related meetings that may be of interest:



For the plenary session, please find attached the proposed outline that was shared during today’s meeting. If you have any suggestions for questions to be asked for the interactive part of the meeting, please share these with the list by Wednesday 30 October at the latest.


Best regards,


Caitlin, Berry and Marika


Marika Konings

Vice President, Policy Development Support – GNSO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 



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