Dear all,


Non-members can follow the EPDP call taking place on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at 13:00 UTC via the audio cast or view only Adobe Connect room.  


As requested and discussed on Tuesday's (14 August 2018) meeting, please note that an additional Adobe Connect room has been created for use by interested alternates and observers to be able to view-only the main EPDP Team Adobe Connect room. The view-only room will also broadcast the audio of the EPDP Team AC room, however, those in the view-only room will not be heard. Note that the audio cast stream will also remain available for now for those that prefer to use that option to listen live to the EPDP Team meeting.


View-Only Adobe Connect room for alternates and observers:


Meeting Audio Cast (for alternates and observers)

To join the event, click on the link: 

Listen in browser: []

Listen in application such as iTunes: []


Agenda wiki page:



Kind Regards,

Andrea Glandon