Dear All,


Friendly reminder to provide feedback on the proposed registrar purposes in the following google doc: Please provide your group’s feedback in the rightmost column. Please be sure to include your name and affiliation and provide your recommendation regarding accepting / amending as well as your rationale for any further changes that are proposed. As a reminder, this only concerns the registrar related purposes. Other purposes and third-party interests are dealt with separately. Note that input is due at the latest by tomorrow, Friday 14 September at 19.00 UTC.


Kind regards,


Marika, Berry and Caitlin



From: Gnso-epdp-team <> on behalf of Marika Konings <>
Date: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 11:37 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: [Gnso-epdp-team] Input on registrar related purposes - due by Friday 14 September at 19.00 UTC


Dear All,


In order to facilitate your input and come to closure on the modifications to the registrar related purposes (as per action item #6), staff has created the following google doc: Please provide your group’s input in last column. Make sure to include your name and affiliation and provide your recommendation regarding accepting / amending as well as your rationale for any further changes that are proposed. As a reminder, this only concerns the registrar related purposes. Other purposes and third-party interests are dealt with separately. Note that input is due at the latest by Friday 14 September at 19.00 UTC.


Best regards,


Caitlin, Berry and Marika


Action item #6: EPDP Team to review email from Kurt re. Registrar purposes (see and provide input by Friday 14 September at 19.00 UTC at the latest.


Marika Konings

Vice President, Policy Development Support – GNSO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 



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