Dear EPDP Team:


Please find below the notes and action items from today’s meeting.


Thank you.


Best regards,


Marika, Berry, and Caitlin



Action Items


  1. In preparation for the next meeting, EPDP Team to review the public comments received for Recommendation 7 (authorization automated) and Recommendation 16 (automation) and the legal memo regarding automation. Please note EPDP Team Members DO NOT have to fill out the discussion tables for these recommendations. Instead, EPDP Team to review the staff support team's proposed edits to Recommendation 7 and 16 and come prepared to discuss additional edits or raise concerns if the Team feels the public comments were not captured correctly.
  2. Staff Support Team to separate the urgent requests from Recommendation 8 and include it in a separate recommendation.
  3. Chris Lewis-Evans to provide additional examples of categories of urgent requests for the Team's consideration.
  4. Staff Support Team to update Recommendation 11 based on today's discussion.
  5. GAC reps to inform Janis when they expect to complete the update of Recommendation 2.


EPDP Phase 2 - Meeting #55

Proposed Agenda

Thursday 30 April 2020 at 14.00 UTC


1.                            Roll Call & SOI Updates (5 minutes)


2.                            Confirmation of agenda (Chair)


3.                            Welcome and housekeeping issues (Chair) (10 minutes)

  1. Update from the legal committee


4.       Recommendation #8 – Response Requirements (10 minutes)

  1. Review remaining discussion item (#8) gleaned from input provided on recommendation #8 discussion table (see discussion items attached)
  1. Confirm next steps


5.       Recommendation #11 – Disclosure Requirements (45 minutes)

  1. Review discussion items gleaned from input provided on recommendation #11 discussion table (see discussion items attached)
  1. Confirm next steps


6.       Recommendation #6 – CP Authorization (45 minutes)

  1. Review discussion items gleaned from input provided on recommendation #6 discussion table (see discussion items attached)
  1. Confirm next steps


7.                            Wrap and confirm next EPDP Team meeting (5 minutes):

  1. Thursday 7 May at 14.00 UTC. Topic to be addressed: Authorization automated, Automation, Recommendations not considered by EPDP
  2. Confirm action items
  3. Confirm questions for ICANN Org, if any