Dear EPDP Team-


Attached please find further comments from the IPC on Purpose M. In sum, the proposed change (1), and supporting comments are meant to preserve on the one hand, due process for registrants, and on the other -- related–hand, to permit third party dispute resolution providers to administer claims of abusive registration (see in this respect the comment with references to the UDRP Rules para 4 on “notice”).  It is, moreover, worth noting that the ability of providers to undertake their roles keeps contracted parties out of such disputes and flows by contract (RRA and RAA) to registrants in the case of the UDRP.  The textual change under MPA-4 from “implement” to “administer” merely reflects more accurately the nature of what dispute resolution providers do (it being for the registrar e.g., to actually “implement” a UDRP transfer decision).





Diane Plaut

General Counsel and Privacy Officer


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