Dear Members,


For those who have not yet filled in the Doodle poll, please do so now. Reminder, this is for MEMBERS only as Alternates, unless designed by a MEMBER via the Alternate Assignment form, do not have access to conference calls.


Thank you!



From: Gnso-epdp-team <> on behalf of Nathalie Peregrine <>
Date: Monday, July 23, 2018 at 9:56 AM
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: [Gnso-epdp-team] MEMBERS ONLY: Doodle poll: first meeting EPDP Team


Dear EPDP Members,


Although we earlier confirmed the proposed date and time of the first meeting, some feedback has indicated that several of you may not be available at the proposed time and date. As such, we would like to ask you to fill out the following doodle poll as soon as possible to determine what day may work best. Based on the time zone spread of members so far, a time has been proposed that hopefully will not be too inconvenient for anyone:


Doodle poll: []


Please note this poll is for MEMBERS ONLY. If a Member will be absent for the period of the first meeting, please assign an Alternate using the Assignment form []. Alternates will not be allowed on the call without the absent Member having completed this form and formally assigned his or her Alternate.


Kind regards,




Nathalie Peregrine

Manager, Operations Support (GNSO)

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 


Skype: nathalie.peregrine.icann


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