Dear EPDP Team:


Please find the notes and action items from today’s EPDP Phase 2A Call #01.


The next meeting will be Thursday, 14 January 2021 at 14:00 UTC.


Best regards,


Berry, Marika, and Caitlin



EPDP Phase 2A - Meeting #01

Thursday 17 December 2020 at 14.00 UTC


Action Items

Please refer to the Google Sheet for Action Items. We will review the action items at the beginning of each call.



  1. Roll Call & SOI Updates
  2. Welcome and introductions (Chair) (15 minutes)

a.      Chair introduction

b.      Each member to briefly introduce themselves

  1. Vice-Chair Selection (Chair) (10 minutes)

The charter foresees that “The EPDP Team, once formed, will select one or two Vice Chairs to assist the Chair. Should at any point a Vice-Chair need to step into the role of Chair, the same expectations with regards to fulfilling the role of chair as outlined in this charter will apply”. EPDP to consider whether appointing a vice-chair or vice-chairs is deemed necessary, or could, similar to phase 1 and phase 2, the Council liaison serve in this role?


a.      EPDP Team input

b.      Decide on next steps (formal decision expected to take place during next meeting)

4.                            Review of Council instructions to EPDP Team (Staff Support Team) (10 minutes)

a.      Questions to be addressed

                EPDP Team Feedback:

b.      Timing

5.                            Background Briefing Documents (20 minutes)

a.       Legal vs. natural: EPDP Team feedback, especially on proposed approach and estimated timing

  1. Feasibility of Unique Anonymized Contacts

6.                            Homework assignments (15 min)

a.      EPDP Team to review all materials referenced in the background briefings

b.      Staff support team to circulate links to google docs where EPDP Team members are expected to provide input on:

·         Legal vs. natural:

                                                                           i.      Identify any clarifying questions in relation to legal/natural study and legal memos

                                                                         ii.      Review ICANN org study, legal memos and any other information deemed relevant and provide input on what guidance can be provided to Registrars and Registries who differentiate or want to differentiate between registrations of legal and natural persons.

·         Feasibility of unique contacts:

                                                                           i.      Identify any clarifying questions in relation to legal memo

                                                                         ii.      Review legal memo and any other information deemed relevant and provide input on what options to require unique contacts to have a uniform anonymized email address across domain name registrations would not result in being treated as publication of personal data. 

IMPORTANT: Due date for input – Monday 11 January 2021. Subsequent meetings will focus on input that is provided by EPDP Team members. If no input is provided, no further discussion can take place.


7.                            Wrap and confirm next EPDP Team meeting (5 minutes):

a.      Meeting #02 Thursday 14 January at 14.00 UTC.

b.      Confirm action items

c.       Confirm questions for ICANN Org, if any