Dear ICANN org liaisons,


On behalf of Janis Karklins, in his capacity as EPDP Team Chair, please find hereby a number of questions for ICANN org he would appreciate a response to as soon as possible:


Does ICANN have a clear preference on whether or not it will:


  1. Field these requests for non-public data
  2. Maintain its own RDS replica database
  3. Make a/the determination of the validity of the request
  4. Assume responsibility for this decision, in any scenario where ICANN doesn’t hold the data directly and must require a Contracted Party to respond to the Requestor (even if the Contracted Party disputes ICANN’s determination)
  5. Consider an approach whereby ICANN acts as a more or less “gateway” for authorized data to pass through, data provided by the Contracted Party at the request of ICANN (per contractual requirement), with the responsibility for such disclosure to be assumed by ICANN.


Best regards,


Caitlin, Berry and Marika


Marika Konings

Vice President, Policy Development Support – GNSO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 



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