I (personally) support Istanbul. One of the rare countries that I do not need a visa to go to. 


On Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 1:32 PM Amr Elsadr <aelsadr@icannpolicy.ninja> wrote:

I also believe a F2F meeting in which we can take public comments in to account would be more favorable. It’s clear that we will not work out all the divergent views in time for the publication of the initial report, and that we will need to solicit input on those views in preparation for our final stretch of work on the final report.

Having as much input as possible before meeting F2F seems to make sense to me, which seems to mean that a January meeting is the one in which we might be able to make more progress.

Regarding location, a meeting in a Schengen state would probably be easier than one in North America for those who need to apply for visas. Visa processing times for a Schengen are shorter than those for the US or Canada, for some reason. Speaking for myself, I need 37 days just for the visa processing time for a Canadian visa, and a few months for a visa to the US.

Another potential option I believe we should consider is Istanbul, and ICANN has a regional hub there too.



On Oct 28, 2018, at 7:05 PM, Rosette, Kristina via Gnso-epdp-team <gnso-epdp-team@icann.org> wrote:


I hope everyone had a safe and uneventful trip home.

I prefer a January meeting because it allows us to take into account public comment and avoids holiday/end-of-year conflicts. 

If the meeting is scheduled for December, may I suggest Toronto, which avoids the travel conflict that some members have? (Airfare is also significantly less expensive for those coming from North America and Asia.)


On Oct 26, 2018, at 2:50 AM, Kurt Pritz <kurt@kjpritz.com> wrote:

Hi Everyone:

Thank you again for your time, effort and thought during the ICANN meeting. While others were visiting the various great sites that Barcelona has to offer, we were all not visiting the various great sites that Barcelona has to offer.

Yesterday, I met with Nick Tomasso who heads the ICANN meetings team to develop some options for the next face-to-face meeting. At various times during the past week, many of you approached me with the following points:
  • Our results are significantly better in a face-to-face format
  • The proverbial clock is ticking
  • We should strive to maintain the momentum we have, therefore
  • We should hold our next meeting as soon as possible.

With that in mind, Nick said he could support the following two options, a meeting
  • In the first or second week in December
  • In the second or third week of January
[Meetings less than 90 days away require Göran’s approval, but Nick believes he can obtain this. Nick is checking on venues with which he is familiar in Brussels now, although the meeting location is not certain.]

I am of two minds on this but do have an opinion and would appreciate your feedback over the next few days so that I can get back to Nick the first of next week. 

1) The January meeting is more or less timed for us to take into account the first round of public comment.

2) Te December meeting allows us to keep working after the initial report is issued (or to wrap up the initial report in the worse case). 

I think the December meeting is the better option for us. We are not going to stand down after the initial report is issued. There is a lot of work to be done. It is better, I think, to meet and consider unsettled issues, rather than meet to discuss the effect of public comment. If we are serious about finishing on time, I don’t think we can stop. So despite the inconvenience (and it will be very inconvenient for me), I think we should meet sooner rather than later. 

Of course, this all depends on the ICANN meetings team pulling this off, which is no small feat, 

Let me know your thoughts, I will write to Nick on Tuesday. 

Best regards,


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