Dear EPDP Team:


Please find below the proposed agenda for our next meeting, which will be Wednesday, 22 July 2020 at 14:00 UTC for 3 hours.


Best regards,


Marika, Berry, and Caitlin



EPDP Phase 2 - Meeting #73

Proposed Agenda

Wednesday 22 July 2020 at 14.00 UTC


1.                            Roll Call & SOI Updates (5 minutes)


2.                            Confirmation of agenda (Chair)


3.                            Welcome and housekeeping issues (Chair) (5 minutes)


4.                            Continue review of cannot live with items:


Recommendation #9 – Automation

  1. Item #20
  2. Item #21
  3. Item #22
  4. Item #23
  5. Item #24


Recommendation #8 – Contracted Party Authorization

  1. Review of proposal (Amr) to address items #12, #13 #14
  2. Item #16


Recommendation #6 – Priority Levels

  1. Item #8


Recommendation #7 - Requestor Purposes

  1. Items 10 & 11


Recommendation #5 / #8 – footnote re. ICANN org compliance review

  1. Items #7 & 18


Recommendation #10 – SLAs

  1. Item #25


                Recommendation #14 - Financial Sustainability

  1. Item #27


Recommendation #18 – GNSO Standing Committee

  1. Item #34


Priority 2 related items

  1. Item #1
  2. Item #37-41


If time remains:

  1. Category 2 items (groups to prioritize which items they would like to flag / discuss)


5.                            Wrap and confirm next steps (5 minutes):

  1. Expected approach for consensus designation (Chair)
  2. Remaining timeline:
    1. 23 July: distribution of Final Report and consensus designations. As a reminder, the Chair will make an evaluation of the support achieved for the recommendations and publish its designation for the group to review. 
    2. 23 - 27 July: opportunity for EPDP Team to respond to consensus designations, review by Chair of input received, if any, confirmation by Chair of designation. 
    3. 27 July: deadline for minority statements.
    4. 31 July: No later than date for submission of Final Report to the GNSO Council