Hi Melina,

thank you for providing further background. It is interesting to see what the author intended by each word, however as my old German teacher used to say, the interpretation of the book is only valid if the text actually supports that interpretation. In other words, the intent of the author is irrelevant if it cannot be derived from the text as written. Additionally, this is a proposal, subject to change based on the comments received, subsequent negotiations between the various EU bodies that have a role to play, and ultimately the translation into Member State laws, which you know can differ significantly in details.

" Such data should be available not only via the SSAD but also in public."

The actual text of the draft directive does not support this statement. How the publication is supposed to occur is not mentioned once.

" availability of non-personal data of legal persons would be of paramount importance to the security, stability and resilience of the DNS and the ICANN community as a whole"

I see this argument again and again, yet every single time, it lacks substantiation. In fact, the last 2-3 years have arguably demonstrated the argument to be false, as non-personal data of legal persons has not been publicly available since the very day the GDPR came into effect and yet the security, stability and resiliency of the DNS and the ICANN community has not been impacted. The sky has not fallen, the DNS has remained secure, stable and resilient, DNS abuse has declined, according to ICANNs own numbers. The ICANN community has suffered more from COVID than from GDPR-related lack of disclosure. I therefore reiterate my initial request that the perceived need for any change to existing policy must be demonstrated.

" we are confined by time limitations and an upcoming deadline that approaches very fast"
Full agreement here, so let's not get hung up on pointless debates but try and solve the issue at hand, which is - as Steve has so aptly pointed out - the disclosability of the data, which ultimately hinges on the question of whether
a) personal information is present in the data set, or
b) personal information is not present in the data set.

a) is the case in both data sets of natural persons and legal persons
b) is the case only in legal person data sets that contain no personal information.

Consequently, a) can be disregarded for the question of disclosure (and publication) as the only relevant determination is made in b). Now, it may be _helpful_ to make the determination to exclude a large chunk of registrations from the secondary determination, but by no means is it _required_.

So the first part of the charter question " should it be a requirement" can definitely be answered with a negative. The secondary part "what guidance could there be developed for contracted parties who wish to distinguish between legal and natural persons" can be discussed more broadly once we agree on the answer for the first part. 

Volker A. Greimann
General Counsel and Policy Manager

T: +49 6894 9396901
M: +49 6894 9396851
F: +49 6894 9396851

Key-Systems GmbH is a company registered at the local court of Saarbruecken, Germany with the registration no. HR B 18835
CEO: Oliver Fries and Robert Birkner

Part of the CentralNic Group PLC (LON: CNIC) a company registered in England and Wales with company number 8576358.

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On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 2:34 PM STROUNGI Melina via Gnso-epdp-team <gnso-epdp-team@icann.org> wrote:

Dear all,


Thank you for your comments. I see some very good points made by Mark, Milton, Hadia, Brian and Alan.

I believe we are – almost – all on the same page on the very basic principle of differentiating between legal and natural persons.


@Becky to reply to your message and to clarify any ambiguities on NIS2 Proposal:

I hope it may be helpful to note that I have been personally involved in the drafting of art. 23 of NIS2 Proposal and the accompanying relevant recitals and I was actively involved in the negotiations of every single word of the text and the reasons behind them. I can, thus, 100% confirm what I wrote on the two separate NIS 2 obligation on access and publication. I can also confirm that this is the message that the EC is passing and will continue to pass on to Member States.

The SSAD is designed as an access and disclosure system –under NIS2 light this would mean providing access to specific domain name registration data upon lawful and duly justified requests of legitimate access seekers (such access could entail both personal and non-personal data).

Disclosure via the SSAD would not meet the NIS2 publication requirement. The publication requirement is a separate one and concerns immediate (‘without undue delay after the registration of a domain name’) publication of non-personal data of legal persons. Such data should be available not only via the SSAD but also in public.  This requirement aims at addressing the current problems resulting from redacted WHOIS data, as availability of non-personal data of legal persons would be of paramount importance to the security, stability and resilience of the DNS and the ICANN community as a whole.

Having clarified this I also agree with Alan’s point that, distinction between natural and legal persons not only is in line with the GDPR and NIS2, but also is in scope of EPDP Phase 2a. See here: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=150177878

As we are confined by time limitations and an upcoming deadline that approaches very fast, I would also warmly agree with those who wish that the focus of our remaining efforts remains within the scope of Phase 2a, which concerns the distinction between legal and natural persons (i.e., should it be a requirement and what guidance could there be developed for contracted parties who wish to distinguish between legal and natural persons).

Best regards,



From: Gnso-epdp-team <gnso-epdp-team-bounces@icann.org> On Behalf Of Mark Svancarek (CELA) via Gnso-epdp-team
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 9:35 PM
To: Becky Burr <becky.burr@board.icann.org>; Hadia <Hadia@tra.gov.eg>; gnso-epdp-team@icann.org
Subject: Re: [Gnso-epdp-team] [EXTERNAL] Re: On the proposed guidance


I don’t think this is an over-complication.  It’s an issue which must be clarified and settled. 


We’ve already determined that the non-contact non-personal data will be available to anyone for any purpose.  The Registrar field would be an example of such data; ICANN Lookup is an “always on” example of how such data is made freely available.  We would not consider forcing a user to become accredited in order to get these data via SSAD.  We would also not consider the transmission of such non-personal data to be “disclosure”.  Melina can correct me if I am wrong, but I think we would call such transmission “publishing”.


Now we are discussing non-personal contact data.  Once again, it’s not correct to characterize the transmission of non-personal contact data as “disclosure”, and to do so implies that it’s OK to hide non-personal contact data in spite of it being unprotected by GDPR and required to be “published” under NIS2D.


Given the lack of protection and the obligation to “publish”, it is unworkable if non-personal contact data is only available via SSAD, a system for disclosure which requires accreditation, codes of conduct, and fees.  These non-personal data must be available both via SSAD and via sources such as ICANN Lookup.


Regarding intermediation of content published on the internet, I’d point to your Vcard at Becky Burr | Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP (hwglaw.com).  That is an example of personal contact data being made freely available.  I don’t know the details under which you are obliged to publish it, so I won’t make a direct comparison to domain name registration contact data --- but it would be silly if the non-personal contact data of a legal person such as Walmart should be harder to acquire than the personal contact data of an attorney, which is what I think you are acquiescing to below.


Finally, I think there is a meaningful distinction between what Melina is advocating (first determine if the person is legal, then look for the edge case where a legal person has submitted personal data despite being instructed not to do so) and what I think Volker is advocating (disregard legal status entirely and make no effort to ensure that legal entities submit only non-personal data).  The intent of these are different and the outcomes will certainly be different.  Given that Melina’s proposal is in line with my reading of the EPDP Phase 2a Charter, I assert that Melina’s approach is required.


From: Gnso-epdp-team <gnso-epdp-team-bounces@icann.org> On Behalf Of Becky Burr via Gnso-epdp-team
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 11:33 AM
To: Hadia <Hadia@tra.gov.eg>
Cc: gnso-epdp-team@icann.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Gnso-epdp-team] On the proposed guidance


I think we may be over-complicating this discussion.  


Sounds to me like Volker and Melina have different views on what will satisfy the NIS2 requirement that non-personal data be made "publicly available"  / "published without undue delay".  If I'm understanding the point of this discussion, Volker suggests that prompt disclosure of non-personal data upon receipt of an SSAD request may be sufficient.  Melina suggests that non-personal data must be available for non-intermediated access in some "always on" online RDDS database.   If Volker is right, the relevance of the up-front legal/natural distinction is lessened because the disclosure is driven by the character of the data (personal or not personal).  I don't have a view on what NIS2 requires, although access to things that are "published" on the Internet are almost always intermediated in one way or another.


Also, FWIW, I think some ccTLDs differentiate registrant types in order to satisfy nexis requirements.  


On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 8:36 AM Hadia Abdelsalam Mokhtar EL miniawi via Gnso-epdp-team <gnso-epdp-team@icann.org> wrote:

Dear Volker and all,


First I would like to thank ICANN org for conducting additional research in relation to the ccTLDs' registration directory service policies. Having briefly looked at Appendix A, I would like to share with you some observations


·         None of the ccTLDs who differentiate between the data of legal and natural persons don't differentiate between the registrants' types.

·         Two ccTLD registries do not differentiate between the publication of the data of the legal and natural persons because they publish the data of both.

·         Four ccTLD registries neither make a differentiate between the registrants' types nor the registrants' registration data.

·         The rest of the ccTLDs who do not differentiate between the publication of the data still differentiate between the registrants' types.

·         It is unclear whether the ccTLD of Slovakia differentiates between the publication of the data. However the registry differentiates between the registrants' types (Legal/natural)


From the policies' summary, it is clear that in order to look into the issue of differentiating between the processing of the data of legal and natural persons, we need to consider at least two types of classifications. The first is the differentiation  between the registrants' types, which does not necessary lead to the publication of the data and the second is the differentiation between the data type.


Kind regards



From: Gnso-epdp-team [mailto:gnso-epdp-team-bounces@icann.org] On Behalf Of STROUNGI Melina via Gnso-epdp-team
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2021 5:08 PM
To: Volker Greimann
Cc: gnso-epdp-team@icann.org
Subject: Re: [Gnso-epdp-team] On the proposed guidance


Hi Volker,


Thank you for your comments. I thought we had clarified these points during the EPDP discussions but seeing your latest reactions on the guidance doc, I would like to add a few – hopefully – helpful clarifications.


It is very positive to see that the NIS2 Proposal is taken into account; please note that NIS2 Proposal imposes two separate obligations:


-          providing access to specific domain name registration data upon lawful and duly justified requests of legitimate access seekers (this would mean disclosure via the SSAD and could entail both personal and non-personal data)

-          publication, without undue delay after the registration of a domain name, of domain registration data of legal persons which are not personal data (see recital 62 and article 23 (4)). This does not relate to SSAD – the publication requirement is a separate one and concerns providing data in the publicly accessible Registration Data Directory Services.


It is hard to see how your vision, as currently phrased in your email below, meets any of these two requirements.


Regarding your other point, I believe that it does matter to whom the data belongs. Data of natural persons are personal data and therefore should always be protected by default (unless there is consent) and data of legal persons are not protected, so in principle they should be disclosed (unless they contain personal data in which case you may decide to further distinguish and publish only the non-personal data of the legal persons – as also required by the NIS2 Proposal).


Hope this helps. Happy to discuss further.







From: Volker Greimann <vgreimann@key-systems.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 4:22 PM
To: STROUNGI Melina (CNECT) <Melina.STROUNGI@ec.europa.eu>
Cc: gnso-epdp-team@icann.org
Subject: Re: [Gnso-epdp-team] On the proposed guidance


Hi Melina,


if we differentiated between personal and non-personal data only, it would not matter whom the data belonged to, e.g. a legal person record that contains personal information would be treated as the default: Do not publish.


My vision is that the differentiation would only make a difference in the handling of that data within SSAD where interested parties would be granted quick access to such non-personal data, as required by NIS2.



Volker A. Greimann
General Counsel and Policy Manager

T: +49 6894 9396901
M: +49 6894 9396851
F: +49 6894 9396851
W: www.key-systems.net

Key-Systems GmbH is a company registered at the local court of Saarbruecken, Germany with the registration no. HR B 18835
CEO: Oliver Fries and Robert Birkner

Part of the CentralNic Group PLC (LON: CNIC) a company registered in England and Wales with company number 8576358.

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On Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 1:19 PM STROUNGI Melina <Melina.STROUNGI@ec.europa.eu> wrote:

Hi everyone,


Setting aside various points raised below which are not correct, for the benefit of continuation of a constructive discussion I would like to raise some clarification questions to which written input would be very much appreciated.



1)      I am confused. I understand you and Sarah propose to have a distinction between personal and non-personal data, correct? Yet, below you suggest ‘protecting all data equally’ and that ‘you do not need to differentiate’. So in conclusion what are you proposing? Should you differentiate between personal and non-personal data or you should not differentiate at all (which would mean that you publish zero information)?

2)      In case yours and Sarah’s proposal to distinguish only between personal and non-personal data is still valid:
i. Would you consider making such distinction a requirement or still voluntary?

ii. How exactly would you envisage doing such a distinction in practice? Would you for instance ask the registrants to specify which data are personal or not? Would you have a dedicated team checking manually all data? Any other way?


Thanks for clarifying these points as it would be very useful in view of our today’s EDPP plenary meeting.





From: Gnso-epdp-team <gnso-epdp-team-bounces@icann.org> On Behalf Of Volker Greimann via Gnso-epdp-team
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 10:07 PM
To: King, Brian <Brian.King@markmonitor.com>
Subject: Re: [Gnso-epdp-team] On the proposed guidance


Hi Brian,


That approach is actually very compliant  with data protection law. Overprotection is not an issue. If you simply protect all data equally in a way that would be compliant, you do not need to differentiate.


Accuracy is shown by demonstrating that the data is unchanged from the time it was created and how it was created, by showing that the data subject has contractually agreed to only provide accurate data (and correct if outdated), and has been provided with an annual opportunity to review the data. That is the level accuracy that is relevant under the accuracy principle of the GDPR, after all.


On top of that (Bonus round for extra points here) the data collection process ensured that only properly formatted data was collected and the registrant has been required to verify his email address.


So reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy have been taken, the data subject can request a correction at any time and we will take action on any indication of inaccuracy of the data.


But the real problem isn't actually inaccurate data, in our experience. It is accurate data of the wrong data subject.


Volker A. Greimann
General Counsel and Policy Manager

T: +49 6894 9396901
M: +49 6894 9396851
F: +49 6894 9396851
W: www.key-systems.net

Key-Systems GmbH is a company registered at the local court of Saarbruecken, Germany with the registration no. HR B 18835
CEO: Oliver Fries and Robert Birkner

Part of the CentralNic Group PLC (LON: CNIC) a company registered in England and Wales with company number 8576358.

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On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 9:48 PM King, Brian <Brian.King@markmonitor.com> wrote:

Hey Volker,


I suppose my point (and I think I’m also paraphrasing an intervention made by Melina previously) is that approach is not likely to be compliant with data protection law.


I accept that the concept of accuracy as a policy matter is not within our remit, but let’s use accuracy as a data protection principle – how could a controller reasonably demonstrate to a DPA that the controller’s data is accurate, for example, if the controller has not even assessed whether the data is personal data?



Brian J. King

Head of Policy and Advocacy, Intellectual Property Group

T +1 443 761 3726

Time zone: US Eastern Time


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From: Volker Greimann <vgreimann@key-systems.net>
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 3:58 PM
To: King, Brian <Brian.King@markmonitor.com>
Cc: Mueller, Milton L <milton@gatech.edu>; gnso-epdp-team@icann.org
Subject: Re: [Gnso-epdp-team] On the proposed guidance


Hi Brian,


the easiest way to comply with data protection law is to simply treat all registration data as if it were personal data. No chance of ever running afoul data protection law if you do that correctly and it is pretty easy to demonstrate as well.


Volker A. Greimann
General Counsel and Policy Manager

T: +49 6894 9396901
M: +49 6894 9396851
F: +49 6894 9396851
W: www.key-systems.net

Key-Systems GmbH is a company registered at the local court of Saarbruecken, Germany with the registration no. HR B 18835
CEO: Oliver Fries and Robert Birkner

Part of the CentralNic Group PLC (LON: CNIC) a company registered in England and Wales with company number 8576358.

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On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 5:47 PM King, Brian via Gnso-epdp-team <gnso-epdp-team@icann.org> wrote:

Hi Milton,


Thank you for the constructive intervention. Your point is well taken, and I can certainly see that from the RNH perspective.


One feature of data protection law related to your point is that it requires data controllers and processors to be able to demonstrate compliance with the law. A controller or processor could doubtfully demonstrate compliance with data protection law if they had not determined whether they were actually processing personal data. In fact, data protection professionals will tell you that you absolutely must determine what personal data you’re processing as the first step toward compliance with data protection law. It seems the policy question is: what, if anything, should contracted parties be required to do based on the status of the data? Is that right?


As always, we’re happy to work with you and look forward to finding consensus.



Brian J. King

Head of Policy and Advocacy, Intellectual Property Group

T +1 443 761 3726

Time zone: US Eastern Time


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From: Gnso-epdp-team <gnso-epdp-team-bounces@icann.org> On Behalf Of Mueller, Milton L via Gnso-epdp-team
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 11:13 AM
To: gnso-epdp-team@icann.org
Subject: [Gnso-epdp-team] On the proposed guidance


I was reading through two documents setting out in detail the proposed guidance on legal/natural.

There seems to be more than one Google doc on this and I am not sure which one is the latest or most official, though I suspect it is the one with various people’s comments crawling all over it.


I was pretty supportive of the Guidance overall. I had one problem with it, though.

I liked the description of HOW the differentiation needed to take place. But in describing WHEN differentiation takes place and WHO would do it, it sets out 3 “high level scenarios”.

The first two are ok. The third scenario (listed as #5 in the document) is that the Registrar does it for the RNH, based on “inferences.”


That option just doesn’t fly for those of us representing RNH’s in this process. We cannot have a registrant’s disclosure status or person type determined FOR them by someone else. If we can strike that part of the guidance, I think we can be on our way to a much broader consensus.


Dr. Milton L Mueller

Georgia Institute of Technology

School of Public Policy

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