hi all,

The deadline to review the revised consensus designation already passed and I don't see any strong objection in the list to what I shared initially or to the revised table I sent several hours ago. I want to emphasize that I did that assessment based on direct input from the groups and with my understanding of GNSO WG guidelines.

I attached the final report which includes the consensus designation and all minority statements received till now. I will send in the coming hours the report to the council and I will add details in my communication about deadline extension for the minority statement as requested. For those who want to add their minority statements, the deadline is the 24th August and the report will be revised regularly to attach them and note sent to indicate the revision.

I want to thank you all for the work done and deliberations in the 2 years between phase 1 and phase 2, during the too many and long conference calls or F2F meetings or small teams and legal committee (Berry got the correct numbers about the hours spent!). I would like to thank the support staff for their tireless help and work, making this process smooth as much as possible. I want also to thank Janis as he chaired most of the phase 2 and facilitated the process.

I know that all of you made sacrifice in term of time and efforts and it is important to reach closure. The outcome of consensus oriented process is not always perfect but it has that important element that everyone participated in shaping it. 

Best regards,
