Have to agree with prior comments that it’s neither realistic nor effective to pursue a marathon week of lengthy calls. Many of us would struggle to find the bandwidth for this type of scheduling. My suggestion would be to try and organize and summarize the comments for our review in advance. This would help focus and streamline our discussions to the pertinent issues.  If need be, we could spread the workload by seeking volunteers to take the lead on presenting certain topics (as we have in the past). In my experience, calls that go longer than 90 minutes lose focus. 

  Sent via phone. 
  Please excuse typos and/or
  unintended auto-correct outcomes.

Laureen Kapin, Counsel
Int’l Consumer Protection
Federal Trade Commission

On Feb 13, 2020, at 3:15 PM, Mueller, Milton L <milton@gatech.edu> wrote:

Another voice expressing the impossibility of devoting all of May 11-15 to EPDP.

Our project (IGP) runs its annual conference May 14-15 so those two days are out completely.

The week before that is finals and grading of around 220 students, so while time is more flexible there isn’t a lot to spare.

I think the only feasible alternative is to work more effectively and conclusively with the time and materials (such as the email list) that we have. It’s clear there are diminishing returns to extending meeting times and days.




From: Gnso-epdp-team <gnso-epdp-team-bounces@icann.org> On Behalf Of Janis Karklins
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2020 12:02 PM
To: EPDP <gnso-epdp-team@icann.org>; gnso-epdp-lead@icann.org
Subject: [Gnso-epdp-team] Proposal: Timetable to address Priority 2 issues


Dear EPDP Team,


The leadership team has worked together with the staff support team to outline the proposed next steps for both addressing priority 2 items and the subsequent review of input received on the SSAD Initial Report. When reviewing the attached timetable, which outlines the proposal in detail, please keep in mind the following:


·         The window of opportunity to allow folding in of priority 2 items into the SSAD Final Report is short – preliminary recommendations would need to be published for public comment by 24 March at the latest. If the EPDP Team does not reach agreement by that date on how to address priority 2 items, these items will be referred back to the GNSO Council for its consideration on how to proceed. Note that due to external dependencies, certain items, such as legal / natural, will automatically be referred to the GNSO Council.


·         The legal committee plays a key role in preparing the ground for a number of priority 2 items – please remember that the legal committee is a representative body. As such, members of the legal committee must consult with and keep their fellow team members up to date so that when the legal committee sends its recommendations to the plenary team, discussions are not rehashed, and recommendations/proposed questions do not come as a surprise.


·         The priority remains to finalize the SSAD Final Report by 11 June 2020 at the latest: as a reminder, both the funding that was made available for phase 2 and my availability to chair the Team will end on 30 June.


·         Depending on the number of comments received, there may be a need to plan for an intense EPDP Team call week – this is foreseen for the week of 11-15 May. Please already pencil this into your agendas – it would likely take the form of extended calls taking place (almost) every day of the week.


Certainly the timetable may need to be adjusted as the EPDP Team progresses through its work; as such, we expect everyone to remain flexible. In order to make progress on priority 2 items, it is imperative that everyone reviews the relevant worksheets in advance of the meeting to appreciate the context and come prepared to find solutions to the issues identified.


You are encouraged to provide your group’s feedback on the proposed timetable by Tuesday 18 February at the latest.


Thank you


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