Milton, I am just boarding a flight, but after a very quick read, it looks like purpose 1 is in fact the purpose, and what you identify as purpose 2 is really one of the processes (but not the only one) by which accreditation may happen.


At 08/09/2019 10:37 AM, Mueller, Milton L wrote:
Dear EPDP team colleagues:
Attached is a memo that is intended to clarify some of the issues related to accreditation. It is meant to be an objective identification of the issues involved, not an advocacy of a particular position. Specifically, I see two distinct purposes that can be identified that people are often combining or confusing when they discuss accreditation. This memo isolates them, defines them, and tries to tease out their implications.
I hope that staff/Janis can agree to distribute this memo when we enter into accreditation discussions on the agenda.
Dr. Milton L Mueller
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Public Policy
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