Dear All,


Please note an updated link for action item #3 as on the original link the redlines were not visible. Do also note that this version now includes the additional changes that Kristina referred to during the meeting.




Best regards,


Caitlin, Berry and Marika


From: Gnso-epdp-team <> on behalf of Marika Konings <>
Date: Thursday, October 25, 2018 at 1:29 PM
To: EPDP <>
Subject: [Gnso-epdp-team] Please review - action items and outstanding items


Dear EPDP Team,


Following this week’s EPDP Team meetings, please find below and attached the outstanding action items and related deadlines, outstanding charter questions (not yet discussed) and punch list of items in relation to the data elements workbooks. Please take note that Staff’s provision of an updated and comprehensive data matrix and updated Initial Report draft is dependent on timely delivery of input on the below items. If you believe anything is missing from the list below, please let us know.


Thank you for all your support - safe travels home!


Caitlin, Berry and Marika




EPDP Team Action items ICANN63


Action item #1 – CPH to confirm whether or not purpose A strikethrough language can be removed by Thursday 25 October. (COMPLETED – deletion of strikethrough language confirmed)


Action item #2 - Each group (SG/C/AC) to express the group's views and/or proposed edits on small team #1 responses to charter questions and preliminary recommendations with the mailing list by Monday 29 October. (see      


Action item #3 - Each group (SG/C/AC) to express the group's views and/or proposed edits on the revised responses of the small team #2 charter question responses with the mailing list by Monday 29 October. (see


Action item #4 – Each group (SG/C/AC) to review latest versions of data elements workbooks and flag any issues that need to be reviewed prior to publication of Initial Report by Friday 2 November. (see


Action item #5 – Each group (SG/C/AC) to review the responsible parties overview for all purposes and identify which designations need to be further considered by Monday 29 October. (see


Note: Staff’s provision of an updated and comprehensive data matrix and updated Initial Report draft is dependent on timely delivery of the above feedback.


Outstanding Charter Questions (not discussed yet or addressed through ongoing work)


q)   Sun-setting WHOIS Contractual Requirements

q1) After migration to RDAP, when can requirements in the Contracts to use WHOIS protocol be eliminated?

q2) If EPDP Team’s decision includes a replacement directory access protocol, such as RDAP, when can requirements in the Contracts to use WHOIS protocol be eliminated?


b)   Collection of registration data by registrar:

b3) How shall legitimacy of collecting data be defined (at least for personal data collected from European registrants and others in jurisdictions with data protection law)?


k)    ICANN's responsibilities in processing data

k2) In addition to any specific duties ICANN may have as data controller, what other obligations should be noted by this EPDP Team, including any duties to registrants that are unique and specific to ICANN’s role as the administrator of policies and contracts governing gTLD domain names?


l)     Registrar's responsibilities in processing data

l4)  What are the registrar's responsibilities to the data subject with respect to data processing activities that are under ICANN’s control?


m)   Registry's responsibilities in processing data

m4) What are the registry's responsibilities to the data subject based on the above?


Outstanding items in data elements workbooks


Purpose B Punch List:

Purpose C Punch List:

Purpose E (Registrar Data Escrow) Punch List:

Purpose F Punch List:

Purpose M Punch List:

Purpose N Punch List:

Marika Konings

Vice President, Policy Development Support – GNSO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 



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