Dear Kavouss,


The doodle poll only asks for input from EPDP Team members in relation to dates during which they are available to attend a potential F2F meeting, NOT location.  No decision has been made yet on location, but please rest assured that your concerns are duly noted by the leadership team.


Best regards,




From: Arasteh <>
Date: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 9:31 AM
To: Kurt Pritz <>, "" <>, "" <>, Marika Konings <>, Caitlin Tubergen <>, Terri Agnew <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: [Ext] Re: [Ntfy-gnso-epdp-team] ***UPDATED DOODLE LINK*** Face to face meeting poll on behalf of Kurt Pritz


Dear Kurt

From legal point of view ,no meeting to be held in a country which directly or I directly put general BAN on the nationals of other countries 

Thus is nit a matter tone out to the doodle

It is the principle of universality,inclusduvebess, transparency, non discriminative  and democratic actions

One can not put the rights if millions of peoples of banned countries to the vote of others which has no interest on that right

You would be questioned to reply

To any inappropriate action and mismanagement of this super critical and top delicate legal issue

Pls exclude USA from the list of doodle .

Distinguished chair of GAC is requested to defend my very legitimate right 

I was excluded once but strongly object to be excluded again




Sent from my iPhone

On 31 Oct 2018, at 15:34, Marika Konings <> wrote:

Dear Kavouss,


Please find below the link to the doodle poll for you to complete. You should have received this email from the address.


Best regards,




From: Ntfy-gnso-epdp-team <> on behalf of Michelle DeSmyter <>
Date: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 6:09 AM
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: [Ntfy-gnso-epdp-team] ***UPDATED DOODLE LINK*** Face to face meeting poll on behalf of Kurt Pritz



Hi everyone:


Please complete the following doodle poll to help determine the best dates for our next face-to-face meeting: []. A face-to-face meeting, if held, will last three full days. 


Given the response to the last letter on this topic, it is more likely than not that the meeting will be held in January. However, if stock-taking over the next few days (including a review of the draft initial report) indicates that at face-to-face meeting is required sooner in order to ensure a timely conclusion to our work, we have included December dates to determine availability. Otherwise, a January meeting seems better timed for review of public comment. (I am not convinced a face-to-face meeting for review of public comment is necessary but will know better when the methodology for reviving and reviewing public comment in our case is developed.)


Please respond with your availability and without regard to your preference / opinion for a meeting time as to do otherwise would skew the results and unfairly disadvantage others. 


For your information, if the meeting is to be held in December, it is likely to occur in Brussels. If it is held in January, it might be held in North or Central America, or Europe - wherever total costs are lowest. 


Please respond within 48 hours. The meeting time will be based on:

  • The state and needs of our work
  • The availability of the greatest percentage of our members (excluding alternates) 

In cases of clashes with other ICANN meetings, I think this EPDP work takes precedence. (some of these dates may conflict with national and/or religious holidays, if so, please point this out in the comments to the doodle poll).


Best regards,


Kurt Pritz



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