Dear All,

Below, please find notes and action items from today’s EPDP Team Call.  


As a reminder, our next meeting will be Tuesday, 18 September, 13:00 UTC.


Best regards,


Marika, Berry, and Caitlin



EPDP Team Meeting #13

13 September 2018


High-level Notes/Action Items


Please complete the IT Governance GDPR Training Course by Tuesday, 18 September.


A GDPR Q&A session with Becky Burr will be held on Wednesday, 19 September at 13.00 UTC. If you have questions and/or topics you would like Becky to address, please submit questions via this document:


The EPDP Leadership Team is putting together an agenda for the F2F meeting, and the preliminary schedule will be published early next week - if anyone from the EPDP Team would like to provide ideas or suggestions, please feel free to do so via the list.


The team should have received an email regarding the engagement of CBI for mediation services. CBI will be present during the F2F meeting in Los Angeles to assist in moving the team forward.


Please remember to provide further comments on §4.4 and Thomas and Benedict's purposes classification by Friday, 14 September.


Thomas Rickert will further develop the data elements matrix based on today’s discussion.


ICANN Support Team will create a distribute Google docs to allow members to work on answering the issues addressed for Appendix A, §§2.1 - 2.3, Appendix A §2.4, Appendix A §1, Appendix A, §4. The EPDP Leadership Team is looking for a small team of volunteers to work on this.


Notes & Action items


These high-level notes are designed to help the EPDP Team navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at:


1. Roll Call & SOI Updates



2. Welcome and Updates from EPDP Team Chair (5 minutes)



Action item #1: If anyone from the EPDP Team would like to provide ideas or suggestions for the F2F in Los Angeles, please feel free to do so via the list.

3. Review data matrix formed from RDS work and Thomas’s chart (50 minutes)


Objective of discussion: Charter questions b1 and b2 (collection of data by registrar) to be answered (or considered) in substantive discussion

  1. High-level overview of chart













































b) Discuss proposed amendments to chart

c) Note: relevant charter questions:

b1) What data should registrars be required to collect for each of the following contacts: Registrant, Tech, Admin, Billing?

b2) What data is collected because it is necessary to deliver the service of fulfilling a domain registration, versus other legitimate purpose as outlined in part (A) above?

d. Agree on next steps

4. Introduction to Appendix A (50 minutes)

Objection of discussion: Charter questions f1 - f3 (publication of data by registry/registrar) to be answered (or considered) in substantive discussion; EDPB advice re: collection of full WHOIS data and registration of legal persons to be considered in substantive discussion.


In App. A discussion, we were going to focus on priority 1 and 2a items (the items we need to sort through in our initial report).


Action item #2: ICANN Support Team to create Google docs to allow members to work on answering the issues addressed for Appendix A, 2.1 - 2.4.


a) Substantive discussion on §§2 – 4

b) Note: relevant charter questions:

·           f1) Should there be any changes made to registrant data that is required to be redacted? If so, what data should be published in a freely accessible directory?

·           f2) Should standardized requirements on registrant contact mechanism be developed?

·           f3) Under what circumstances should third parties be permitted to contact the registrant, and how should contact be facilitated in those circumstances

c. Agree on next steps

5. Confirm action items and questions for ICANN Org, if any (5 minutes)

6. Wrap and confirm next meeting to be scheduled for Tuesday 18 September at 13.00 UTC.