Dear EPDP team,

As communicated previously, we are planning to have our F2F meetings in Kobe in order to prepare for phase 2. I will share ASAP a the guidance from GNSO Council for phase 2 and what is expected from EPDP team to come with for this period.

With regard to the questions asked in separate thread on membership confirmation/replacement, The EPDP team is tasked to develop a work plan, discuss what would be a reasonable pace of activity with accompanying working methods, review dependencies and their potential impact on the timeline, and identify what resources may be needed for phase 2. The proposed work plan, timeline and resources identified will need to be shared with the GNSO Council for its consideration. 

As part of this task, it will be helpful if members come prepared to Kobe with an idea of what commitment they are willing to make to phase 2 as that will facilitate the planning process.

Please find attached the draft agenda for our sessions in Kobe and also the mindmap on phase 2. We will have our sessions for the preparatory work  but also meetings with GDD regarding implementation, and the Technical Study Group to know more about their work and the impact on ours.

Please review the agenda and prepare for the meetings.

See you soon in Kobe, 神戸でじゃ、またね。

Best Regards,
