Dear EPDP Team,


Please find below the proposed agenda for the next EPDP Team meeting which has been scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, at 14.00 UTC. Please note that an updated version of the Initial Report has been created by the staff support team (see attached) – you will find in redline the updates that have been made by the Staff Support team based on the input received by Friday’s deadline (see input form with proposed resolution also attached). In line with last week’s discussion and the input from the RySG team, further emphasis has been put on the proposes questions for community input. These are expected to be the focus of tomorrow’s meeting. To facilitate this discussion, you are encouraged to provide your input in advance of the meeting in this document: .


Do note that there are still three items that remain to be resolved that were assigned as action items during last week’s meeting. These items are also flagged accordingly in the latest draft of the Initial Report. We expect groups to confirm by the end of tomorrow, at the latest, how these items have been resolved. If not, leadership will decide how to handle these. As a reminder, these outstanding items are:


  1. Footnote 11 – awaiting IPC & GAC confirmation on how different positions are to be reconciled.
  2. GDPR references in D) – awaiting GAC & RrSG team confirmation on how different positions are to be reconciled. The GAC did send proposed language to the mailing list on Friday but RrSG has not confirmed yet whether this language is acceptable.
  3. Feasibility recommendation – awaiting GAC & RySG confirmation on how different positions are to be reconciled (note, it was suggested during the meeting that the RrSG proposed updated language could be an acceptable compromise).


Also as no further suggestions were made in relation to how the topic of web-forms could be included by Friday’s deadline, language has been included that aims to reflect the state of affairs, factoring in the different positions that have been expressed to date.


Best regards,


Caitlin, Marika and Berry



EPDP Phase 2A - Meeting #26

Proposed Agenda

Tuesday 1 June 2021 at 14.00 UTC


1.                     Roll Call & SOI Updates (5 minutes)


2.                     Welcome & Chair updates (Chair) (5 minutes)

a.     Latest version of Initial Report & expected next steps, including potentially unresolved items


3.                     Initial Report Questions for Community Input (30 minutes)

a.     Consider input / suggestions received in advance of the meeting

b.     Confirm next steps


4.                     Public Comment Forum (15 minutes)

a.     With focus being on questions for input, should a form approach be used to encourage input on these questions as well as facilitate review of input received?

b.     Confirm next steps


5.                     ICANN71 (15 minutes)

a.     Session has been scheduled for Wednesday 16 June at 14.30 UTC, focused on presenting findings and soliciting community input. Chair expected to present. EPDP Team members encouraged to attend and participate – with focus on how to encourage submissions of new information / ideas that will help inform the EPDP Team’s deliberations.

b.     Questions / Comments


6.      Wrap and confirm next EPDP Team meeting (5 minutes):

a.     EPDP Team Meeting #27 Thursday 3 June at 14.00 UTC (if necessary)

b.     Confirm action items

c.     Confirm questions for ICANN Org, if any