Mp3, AC Chat & Attendance for New gTLD Subsequent Procedures call 18 April

Dear All, Please find the attendance of the call attached to this email and the MP3 recording below for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group call held on Monday, 18 April 2016 at 22:00 UTC. MP3: <> The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:<> ** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list ** Mailing list archives: Wiki page: Thank you. Kind regards, Michelle DeSmyter ------------------------------- Adobe Connect chat transcript for Monday, 18 April 2016 Michelle DeSmyter:Dear All, Welcome to the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group on Monday, 18 April 2016 at 22:00 UTC. Carlos Raul Gutierrez:Hello everybody Michelle DeSmyter:Hello, welcome Carlos! Yoshi Murakami(JPRS):Hi Steve Coates (Twitter):I'm on, but just need to step away for a minute. Steve Coates (Twitter):Back on. Carlton Samuels:Howdy all Karen Bernstein:Greetings and Salutations. Rubens Kuhl:Good <time of day> everybody! Carlos Raul Gutierrez:GAC 20 commandments of 2007 Steve Coates (Twitter):Link to the language Avri mentions: Steve Chan:Lost in the ether... Carlos Raul Gutierrez:lost in transmission Carlos Raul Gutierrez:objection Julie Hedlund:@Avri: You are now a host. Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):was the previous qeustion you were addressing from a GAC member? Jeff Neuman:Tracey, the topic was addressed last week by several members of the Working Group that wanted to go striaght to talking about the guidebook Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):ok. thanks Carlos Raul Gutierrez:Bravo!!!!! Carlton Samuels:Lost audio .....but back on a refresh Steve Chan:yes! Carlton Samuels:Audio gone again!! Phil Buckingham:lost audio Rubens Kuhl:This time it looks wholesale. Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):did you look at GAC Jeff, or do you need someone to do this for you for the GAC? Steve Coates (Twitter):I will have the BC's content when I am able to sit with Steve DelBianco. Carlos Raul Gutierrez:lost my audio Steve Coates (Twitter):Carlos - The audio is still on. Carlos Raul Gutierrez:Avri is fine Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):Will help you from GAC. Rubens Kuhl:Couldn't hear Jeff at all. Carlos Raul Gutierrez:its back now Carlton Samuels:All I now hear is like a bird in a, ok, Avri up again. Rubens Kuhl:Bridge to Adobe might be working one-way. Carlos Raul Gutierrez: congratulations Jeff for keeping dates as one of the colums Carlos Raul Gutierrez:very useful Rubens Kuhl:Can't hear Alan as well. Rubens Kuhl:Can always hear Avri. Carlos Raul Gutierrez:hope the other lsits keep the same fomrat Carlton Samuels:Can't hear a thing out of Alan Steve Coates (Twitter):I'll address next. It seems like we are having audio problems. Carlos Raul Gutierrez:can´t hear the gentleman from ALAC Jeff Neuman:Also, people in the RySG should check to see if I got everything :) Carlos Raul Gutierrez:Hey Carlos Raul Gutierrez:I can only hear AVri Carlton Samuels:I'm hearing Avri but nobody else Craig Schwartz - fTLD Registry:I hear all fine. Rubens Kuhl:Same as Carlton for me. Carlos Raul Gutierrez:exactly Greg Shatan:Probably a problem with using Adobe audio. Greg Shatan:Rather than phone bridge. Carlos Raul Gutierrez:maybe a bridge would help Julie Hedlund:I heard Alan and everyone else, but we have had some breaking up. Carlos Raul Gutierrez:yes Kurt Pritz:I only hear Avri Carlos Raul Gutierrez:avri only Carlos Raul Gutierrez:+506 8837 7176 Greg Shatan:We have a bridge... Craig Schwartz - fTLD Registry:I am on the phone line so perhaps an Adobe issue. Carlos Raul Gutierrez:keep going Susan Payne:I think it would be very useful to make it clear what the type/status of the advice is. In case of the GAC for example there should be a clear distinction between GAC Advice and something which is less than formal GAC advice. Olga has mentioned some principles from a GAC WG that she would like to share - we will need clarity on the status of those principle since I do not belioeve they are GAC Advice or indeed formally adopted by the GAC Steve Coates (Twitter):Nobody can hear me talking with Avri? Carlos Raul Gutierrez:@Susan +1 Rubens Kuhl:I couldn't, Steve. Carlton Samuels:Not me sah! Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):@Susan. I sent a document that might be useful to you to Steve last week. Will also help with gAC Advice Robert Burlingame (Pillsbury):I can hear everyone Steve Coates (Twitter):Rubens, perhaps relogin? This has happened to me before. Jeff Neuman:I think Susan's points are a good one for the GAC, which is uniquely positioned to give Advice directly to the Board Rubens Kuhl:Tried once. Can try it again. Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):Yes. I offered a littl efurther back in the chat (while you were speaking Jeff) to help you complete your spreadsheet for the GAC. Steve Coates (Twitter):@Tracey - That is much appreciated. Would love that. Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):you're welcome Steve Coates (Twitter):@rubens - I'm so sorry. Any staff recommendations? Steve Chan:@Tracey, all, there is a page added to the WG Wiki, which will be used to capture the catalog of statements and advice: Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):ok. thx Carlos Raul Gutierrez:can´t hear Jeff..... Greg Shatan:I hear you fine. Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):I can hear you Rubens Kuhl:Even after reloading again, can't hear Jeff or anyone from their side of the universe... Greg Shatan:I am dialed into the phone bridge. Carlos Raul Gutierrez:suld staff please ask for a bridge to +506 8837 7176 Carlton Samuels:Hearing Jeff clearly! Carlos Raul Gutierrez:only Avri :( Phil Buckingham:cant hear jeff . can hear avri Carlos Raul Gutierrez:please call me out Kurt Pritz:I don't hear Jeff Michelle DeSmyter:yes, one moment carlos Steve Coates (Twitter):I see Carlos, Rubens, Phil, Kurt having audio issues with everyone except Avri. Carlos Raul Gutierrez:Txs @Kurt. We must have the cheap seats Susan Payne:yes I can Kurt Pritz:I can hear Jeff now Steve Coates (Twitter):Can anyone hear through Adobe or on phone? Christopher Niemi:Hear in Adobe Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):I'm on adobe and it's fine Steve Coates (Twitter):I'm on the phone bridge. Carlton Samuels:I hear you inadobe well! Karen Bernstein:Just fine on my end Carlos Raul Gutierrez:ok Greg Shatan:Hear on phone. Carlos Raul Gutierrez: will restart my pc Richard Padilla:Hello All I'm sorry for being late had to work Robin Gross:I hear through the adobe Sara Bockey:No audio issues via adobe for me Carlos Raul:txxs Carlos Raul:yes Carlos Raul: i´m on the bridge now Steve Coates (Twitter):For those that can't hear Jeff, we are going through the pros and cons listed in Adobe, and making additions, as necessary. Carlton Samuels:Regarding competition, the CCT RT is collecting data that might be useful in evaluating whether that statement is worthwhile Rubens Kuhl:Phone bridge works fine. Phil Buckingham:can t hear anything . shall I reconnect on adobe again ? Rubens Kuhl:This is a bit more than the usual Adobe Connect issues, is the link between Adobe and phone bridge that is failing today. Carlton Samuels:In regard to diversity, there is definitely more with IDNs coming along Rubens Kuhl:And failing in a way not only impacting for those speaking, but also for those trying to follow. Steve Coates (Twitter):@rubens, I think you are correct. Carlton Samuels:Steve is very low! Carlton Samuels:Didn't hear a word he said! Steve Coates (Twitter):I will speak louder. I stated that we are at a competitive disadvantage is at a competitive disadvantage because we do not have a TLD. Greg Shatan:I would distinguish that point from the "anticompetitive" point, which I read as alluding to possible antitrust claims. Carlos Raul:that was close Jeff!!!!! Rubens Kuhl:A Con I usually hear is something in the line of "We already have all the TLDs people need. " Carlos Raul:close to next round Steve Coates (Twitter):@Greg, agreed. Carlton Samuels:@Jeff: Thanks. Sounds practical Carlos Raul::) Julie Hedlund:It was me :-) Carlos Raul:Julie can you number the list please? Carlton Samuels:@Jeff: Yes, the CCT RT is looking at that matter and collecting data to substantiate Carlos Raul:Segmentation I would say, instead of innovation Craig Schwartz - fTLD Registry:Very little innovation yet to be seen. Craig Schwartz - fTLD Registry:Differentiation...lots of that! Carlton Samuels:@Carlos: Yes, that iwhat the preliminary data is suggesting has happened. Carlos Raul:@Cragi differentiation/segmetation yes Rubens Kuhl:There is data on innovation in general, although not on domains specifically. For instance, data showing correlation between timing and innovation success, which reinforces the principle of predictable timing. Carlos Raul:getting a brand to the 1st level, does not create a "generic", but a brand at the first level with a new set of combiantions at the second level possible (like delegating 2letter country codes at the second level. is that innovation or differentiation? I donpt know, but is something new Rubens Kuhl:One source on innovation success factors: Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):+1 to Alan's statement Carlos Raul:$1 for Greg Shatan please Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):Exactly. Cart before horse Alan Greenberg:Only $!?? That's a pretty low rate for a New York lawyer. Rubens Kuhl:Con #2 is split If/When. Carlos Raul:he said the forbidden word..... Avri Doria:That is one reason we are doing mostly investigative work in these first stages of this PDP WG. Alan Greenberg:@Carlos, a "round" is a multi-part song - What's wrong with that? Robin Gross:I would list as a "con" for new gtlds: how badly ICANN screwed up the last round. Took in tons of cash, expanded in size and mission scope, many applicants extremely unhappy with ICANN's changing of the rules and general mis-handling of the last round. Until those problems get fixed, we shouldn't do it again. Greg Shatan:Carlos, you can have 6 seconds of my time for that price... :-) Avri Doria:These are also question we can include in the request for Constituency Commnets 1 (CC1) Carlton Samuels:@Alan: Restriction on use? Steve Coates (Twitter):Greg - I can recommend our Vine platform of 6 second lopoed videos. Perfect for that purpose.. Avri Doria:Time check 45 minutes - Half way through meeting Steve Coates (Twitter):Speak louder. Carlos Raul:@Jeff +1 about 70 metrics Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat)::-) Greg Shatan:@Steve, You can find me on Vine at @GSS1958. I've posted a Vine just for you.... Greg Shatan:Robin, I misread your post as "messianic scope".... Steve Coates (Twitter):@greg - Got it! Indeed. Avri Doria:Time check: 30 minutes left Carlos Raul:This classification exercise could be usefull for CCT purposes............. Carlos Raul:5 times rounds Carlos Raul:he said it 5 times Avri Doria:These were not necessarily Brands. Sponsored were essentially simlar to community tlds Craig Schwartz - fTLD Registry:Have to run, thanks all. Avri Doria:and the restricted use are not necessarily Brands. Greg Shatan:I wasn't saying that these were brands, just to be clear.... Kurt Pritz:It might be good to divide the TLD categories between those created by the Consensus Policy and those created in an ad hoc way after the Policy was approved Karen Day:Google did get exclusive use for .PLAY Avri Doria:Kurt, we are talking about the mergent types and not that they were created as types in the last round. Greg Shatan:A generic term is only generic when it isued to as the name of the thing that makes it generic. Apples for applies, but not for computers.... Avri Doria:... emergent types ... Avri Doria:please comment on the email list or comment areas on the wiki. Avri Doria:i expect we will build thse into a question in the request for Community Comments Rubens Kuhl:One reason for having TLD categories is to allow applicants to request a specific category, and if ICANN wouldn't allow that, for that application to be denied. Rubens Kuhl:Which gets more predictability than signing an agreement with ICANN and then having their categorization denied. Carlos Raul:@Rubens I dont think is up to the applicant to decicde on categorization Rubens Kuhl:Not to decide, but to request. Greg Shatan:Agree that one size does not and did not fit all. Carlos Raul:@Rubens as Avri said its an emergent carachteriztion by grouping the applications Rubens Kuhl:Like in if .example doesn't get Brand TLD qualification, applicant prefers its application to be denied. Greg Shatan:Should "faux communities" be a recognized type? Carlos Raul:@Rubens antoher issue would be if after categoriztion, a new "channels" could be opened to a new category Carlos Raul:l@Greg faux pass Rubens Kuhl:Faux communities can be prevented by not having policies that invite them to do so... Avri Doria:Or was that just a funny line. Carlos Raul:at least for the CCT it may be useful to have such a category framework, in a common language with this pdp Steve Coates (Twitter):Sort of funny. Steve Chan: Greg Shatan:Not entirely a joke. Is there something useful in looking at a type that may not meet all the criteria of a community, but is not just a generic? Greg Shatan:@Rubens, I agree that gaming by trying to be a community was inspired by the prioritization rules. Robin Gross:We may want to re-think the whole concept of "community" tlds. Rubens Kuhl:@Greg, I think Validated registry covers the use cases I can think that are between full generic and communities. Steve Coates (Twitter):@robin - Definitely agree there could use some clarity there. Steve Chan: Steve Chan:Decision Log: there is a Data Agreed column and to Avri's point, there is a Data Confirmed, which I envisioned as the second meeting, where the decision is confirmed Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Yes I think it is a gd idea Steve Coates (Twitter):I think it's a fabulous idea, and I would be very grateful. Mary Wong:The RPM Working Group will hold its first meeting this Thursday; presumably the liaison question will be discussed at one of its subsequent (but early) meetings. Mary Wong:The liaison is required by the WG Charter, yes. Steve Chan:It's captured in the WG Charter for both of the PDPs Rubens Kuhl:But if the RPM WG thinks it's an awful idea, they can ask to Council to reconsider that idea... I think it's a good idea, though. Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):Can you show the list of pros and cons again on the screen? I'd like to take a screen shot Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):thanks/! Carlos Raul:I will Carlos Raul:its only two times possible Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):as someone who often has issues with EU and NA tme zones.. the rotating times are fine by me even though ne is in the *middle of my night 0200) this one is just fine Carlos Raul:Hobart in Tasmania to LA Carlos Raul:Steve can check it with Lars hoffman please Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat):+1 to Cheryl Michael Flemming:Being in Asia GMT+ 9:00, I end up spending a majority of my early morning hours (0:00 - 3:00) in ICANN related meetings. However, having them at this time, (7:00 - 8:30) is much better for my schedule. Steve Chan:@Carlos, thanks Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):We just have to share the pain Julie Hedlund:Sure why not Avri :-) Steve Chan:Yes :) Greg Shatan:I will note that I am on the East Coast, and I have a Next Gen RDS call tomorrow night from 1-2:30 am (05:00-06:30 UTC). So we do get the short end of the stick sometimes (and more often lately). Carlos Raul:I will send the times Rubens Kuhl:Just limit people in WGs to be from UTC-3 to UTC+3 only. Susan Payne:thanks, night Karen Bernstein:Have a good evening, morning, and night Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Good call thans Avri and Jeff, thanks all, talk again soon... Bye for now... Robin Gross:thanks, all, bye. Robert Burlingame (Pillsbury):Thank you everyone! Richard Padilla:Bye Sara Bockey:thanks all Marilia Maciel:Thanks Carlton Samuels:Thanks all Carlton Samuels:Bye Greg Shatan:Rounds. Iliya Bazlyankov:Thanks and bye!
participants (1)
Michelle DeSmyter