Mp3, Attendance & AC Chat for New gTLD Subsequent Procedures WG 22 August 2016

Dear All, Please find the attendance of the call attached to this email and the MP3 recording below for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group call held on Monday, 22 August 2016 at 13:00 UTC. Attendance of the calls is also posted on the agenda wiki page: MP3:<> The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:<> ** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list ** Mailing list archives: Wiki page: Thank you. Kind regards, Terri ------------------------------- Adobe Connect chat transcript for Monday, 22 August 2016 Terri Agnew:Dear All, Welcome to the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group, Monday, 22 August 2016 at 13:00 UTC Terri Agnew:wiki agenda page: Terri Agnew:WG Members wiki page: Kavouss Arasteh:Dear Terri, Kavouss Arasteh:Hi, may you pls advise to dial me up Kavouss Arasteh:Regards kavouss Terri Agnew:@Kavouss, I sent you a private AC message and an email Kavouss Arasteh 2:Tks Kavouss Arasteh 2:I replied Vanda Scartezini:hi all ! Vanda Scartezini:`we are running in South America a survey about the reasons the newgTLd around here was so few and expectation for the next round Vanda Scartezini:when finished I beleive will be interesting for this group to know the reasons Vanda Scartezini:i am in a noise area- airport , reason why I will not open the microphone. Vanda Scartezini:welcome Avri. Vanda Scartezini:is ok for me Alan Greenberg:I have a conflit and will only be able to stay for about a 1/2 hour. Alan Greenberg:..conflict.. Terri Agnew:thank you for this information Alan Kavouss Arasteh 2:Terri Kavouss Arasteh 2:Has the meeting started Kavouss Arasteh 2:I have not yet been dialed Terri Agnew:@Kavouss, the op has tried dialing several times. She will keep trying Martin SUTTON BRG:hi apologies for late arrival Kavouss Arasteh 2:That was a neumber which has been dialed since July 2014 for hundreds of call Terri Agnew:Op was able to reach you and you have joined on the telephone Emily Barabas: Jon Nevett:please send calendar invites for all meetings once these are finalized. Thanks! Kavouss Arasteh 2:Yes tks Katrin Ohlmer | DOTZON GmbH:looks good Kavouss Arasteh 2:If possible I prepare to have a weekly or forthnughtly schedule Michael Flemming:Jeff, my apologies but you are somewhat soft. Can you speak up more? Jeff Neuman:i will try...thanks Sara Bockey:@avri that was perfect Michael Flemming:Thanks, Jeff. Couldn't have said it better myself. Terri Agnew:New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team - Track 4 - IDNs/Technical & Operations will take place on Thursday, 25 August 2016 at 20:00 UTC. Terri Agnew:New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team - Track 3 - String Contention, Objections & Disputes will take place on Tuesday, 30 August 2016 at 15:00 UTC. Emily Barabas:The full CC1 Review tool is available at: Alan Greenberg:I have to leave now.. Rubens Kuhl:From a formal perspective, do we really need to answer for "no comments" comments ? Rubens Kuhl:(Like 1.f R1, XLS line 34) Emily Barabas:@jeff, I will do that. thanks. Michael Flemming:To echo Phil Corwin, GAC points out that the results of all reviews should be considered. Heather Forrest:Just to note Jeff's helpful suggestion to the Council that the WG be involved in future Council responses to the next GAC Communique. This is something I'll ensure is raised in the Council. Heather Forrest:No problem! Tracey Hind (ACIG GAC Secretariat):there is a hand up in the chat Tracey Hind (ACIG GAC Secretariat):on the GAC page... Kurt Pritz:Re: GAC - The Policy, at the time of approval of the first round, was to have a subsequent round within a year of the the last round. This was to allow those who weren't reached by ICANN's communication strategy to "catch up." SInce then, there have been reviews inserted in the critical path (e.g., the RPM review) but the sort of comprehensive review contemplated by the GAC in this letter is not part of the current policy. There is no need for an "agreed policy and administrative framework supported by all stakeholders" (whatever that is. jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland):Hi there. As GAC member I may clarify that the GAC input and advice refer mainly to already envisaged and ongoing reviews, which are not still finalised Rubens Kuhl:On the RySG comment on implementation, one decision the full WG needs to make is to make one IRT for the WG or one IRT per Work Track. I personally favor the later, to have 4 IRTs at this point that would be merged in the future, but either option works. jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland):We have to be mindful that announcements made when the 2012 round started were well-meant intentions, I guess. At that moment of time many of the issues encountered later on had not been possible to be anticipated... Heather Forrest:Jeff - We'll take your question back. Martin Sutton:nope VAIBHAV AGGARWAL:Hey Guys Got Late Martin Sutton:I think the IPC response is clear - no reason to change thepolicy but they query that it has npt followed through with amechanism put in place Michael Flemming:It seems like I am unheard Terri Agnew:@Michael, I see your mic is active on AC ,please check your mic Michael Flemming:It seems my microphone is not connected properly Terri Agnew:@Michael, let us know if a dial out on the telephone is needed Michael Flemming:That would be well Avri Doria:10 minutes left in meeting Terri Agnew:Michael is on audio Laura Watkins (Nominet):I believe it is from the IPC statement Emily Barabas:IPC Response to CC1: jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland):Perhaps there was no contradiction - simply at that time, people thought that all reviews would have been done within that one year Avri Doria:yes, we were optimistc back then. Terri Agnew:@Michael, you audio is cutting in and out Michael Flemming:Apologies for the bad audio. Michael Flemming:Hi Avri, thank you for the clarification. Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Thx Avri, Jeff and Everyone, good to get started on all this sorry to be so mute Midnight here and sleeping child in m room ( I am still kinds on bed rest) Bye for now ... Talk again soon... jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland):on 1c) the GAC answer seems to be cut off? Rubens Kuhl:Avri, I'll just post the issue to the mailing list as it requires more time to discuss. Michael Flemming:I echo Cheryl. I need to catch a train home so am cutting out early. jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland):thanks! Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):bye Sara Bockey:Thank you all. Rubens Kuhl:Thanks all! Katrin Ohlmer | DOTZON GmbH:Thanks all! Christa Taylor:Thanks everyone! Iliya Bazlyankov:Thanks all, bye! Harold Arcos:thanks all take care jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland):thanks and bye all! VAIBHAV AGGARWAL:Thanks Team Vanda Scartezini:tks
participants (1)
Terri Agnew