Proposed Agenda: New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group 22 August 2016 13:00 UTC

Dear All, Below, please find the proposed agenda for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures WG meeting scheduled for Monday, 22 August at 13:00 UTC: 1. Welcome/Review Agenda 2. SOIs 3. Working Group Meeting Schedule 4. Board Letter to GNSO Council on New gTLDs 4. Work Track (Sub Team) Status Updates 5. CC1 Review Tool 6. AOB Kind regards, Emily Emily Barabas | Policy Specialist ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Email: | Phone: +31 (0)6 84507976 From: <> on behalf of Nathalie Peregrine <> Date: Friday 19 August 2016 at 10:33 To: "" <> Cc: "" <> Subject: [Ntfy-gnso-newgtld-wg] Meeting Invitation: New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group 22 August 2016 13:00 UTC Dear all, The next call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group is scheduled to take place on Monday, 22 August 2016 at 13:00 UTC for 90 minutes. 06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 London, 15:00 CEST for other places see: ADOBE CONNECT Room : If you require a dial-out, please email me with your preferred contact number at<> Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Kind regards, Nathalie ____________________________________________________________________________ Participant passcode: NEW GTLD Dial in numbers: Country Toll Numbers Freephone/ Toll Free Number ARGENTINA 0800-777-0519 AUSTRALIA ADELAIDE: 61-8-8121-4842 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA BRISBANE: 61-7-3102-0944 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA CANBERRA: 61-2-6100-1944 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE: 61-3-9010-7713 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA PERTH: 61-8-9467-5223 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA SYDNEY: 61-2-8205-8129 1-800-657-260 AUSTRIA 43-1-92-81-113 0800-005-259 BELGIUM 32-2-400-9861 0800-3-8795 BRAZIL SAO PAULO: 55-11-3958-0779 0800-7610651 CHILE 1230-020-2863 CHINA CHINA A: 86-400-810-4789 10800-712-1670 CHINA CHINA B: 86-400-810-4789 10800-120-1670 COLOMBIA 01800-9-156474 CROATIA 080-08-06-309 CZECH REPUBLIC 420-2-25-98-56-64 800-700-177 DENMARK 45-7014-0284 8088-8324 EGYPT 0800000-9029 ESTONIA 800-011-1093 FINLAND 358-9-5424-7162 0-800-9-14610 FRANCE LYON: 33-4-26-69-12-85 080-511-1496 FRANCE MARSEILLE: 33-4-86-06-00-85 080-511-1496 FRANCE PARIS: 33-1-70-70-60-72 080-511-1496 GERMANY 49-69-2222-20362 0800-664-4247 GREECE 30-80-1-100-0687 00800-12-7312 HONG KONG 852-3001-3863 800-962-856 HUNGARY 36-1-700-8856 06-800-12755 INDIA BANGALORE: 91-80-48030674 INDIA MUMBAI: 91-22-49412807 INDIA INDIA A: 000-800-852-1268 INDIA INDIA B: 000-800-001-6305 INDIA INDIA C: 1800-300-00491 INDONESIA 001-803-011-3982 IRELAND 353-1-246-7646 1800-992-368 ISRAEL 1-80-9216162 ITALY MILAN: 39-02-3600-6007 800-986-383 ITALY ROME: 39-06-8751-6018 800-986-383 ITALY TORINO: 39-011-510-0118 800-986-383 JAPAN OSAKA: 81-6-7878-2631 0066-33-132439 JAPAN TOKYO: 81-3-6868-2631 0066-33-132439 LATVIA 8000-3185 LUXEMBOURG 352-27-000-1364 8002-9246 MALAYSIA 1-800-81-3065 MEXICO GUADALAJARA (JAL): 52-33-3208-7310 001-866-376-9696 MEXICO MEXICO CITY: 52-55-5062-9110 001-866-376-9696 MEXICO MONTERREY: 52-81-2482-0610 001-866-376-9696 NETHERLANDS 31-20-718-8588 0800-023-4378 NEW ZEALAND 64-9-970-4771 0800-447-722 NORWAY 47-21-590-062 800-15157 PANAMA 011-001-800-5072065 PERU 0800-53713 PHILIPPINES 63-2-858-3716 1800-111-42453 POLAND 00-800-1212572 PORTUGAL 351-2-10054705 8008-14052 ROMANIA 40-31-630-01-79 RUSSIA 8-10-8002-0144011 SAUDI ARABIA 800-8-110087 SINGAPORE 65-6883-9230 800-120-4663 SLOVAK REPUBLIC 421-2-322-422-25 0800-002066 SOUTH AFRICA 080-09-80414 SOUTH KOREA 82-2-6744-1083 00798-14800-7352 SPAIN 34-91-414-25-33 800-300-053 SWEDEN 46-8-566-19-348 0200-884-622 SWITZERLAND 41-44-580-6398 0800-120-032 TAIWAN 886-2-2795-7379 00801-137-797 THAILAND 001-800-1206-66056 TURKEY 00-800-151-0516 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 8000-35702370 UNITED KINGDOM BIRMINGHAM: 44-121-210-9025 0808-238-6029 UNITED KINGDOM GLASGOW: 44-141-202-3225 0808-238-6029 UNITED KINGDOM LEEDS: 44-113-301-2125 0808-238-6029 UNITED KINGDOM LONDON: 44-20-7108-6370 0808-238-6029 UNITED KINGDOM MANCHESTER: 44-161-601-1425 0808-238-6029 URUGUAY 000-413-598-3421 USA 1-517-345-9004 866-692-5726 VENEZUELA 0800-1-00-3702 VIETNAM 120-11751

WG Members: FYI, in regard to agenda item #4 (Board Letter to GNSO Council on New gTLDs), this letter was transmitted to Council Chair James Bladel on Friday, August 19th on behalf of the BC --- James: Thank you for your inquiry in regard to Chairman Crocker’s August 5th letter to you regarding whether “the entirety of the current Subsequent Procedures PDP must be completed prior to advancing a new application process under the current policy recommendations”. I shared the letter with members of the Business Constituency and we had a rather lengthy discussion of this subject on the BC member call held on Thursday, August 18th. Based on that conversation I can convey the following preliminary views from the BC: * The BC is of the general view that if there is to be a subsequent round or a permanently open application window, it should not be unnecessarily delayed so as to permit the timely submission of .brand applications. * That said, the BC believes that the application window should not be opened until all necessary reviews have been completed and their reports and recommendations have been fully considered by the ICANN community and Board. This includes not just the Subsequent Procedures PDP referenced in Chairman Crocker’s letter but also the RPM Review PDP (of which I am a WG Co-Chair) and the Consumer Choice, Competition and Trust Review mandated by the Affirmation of Commitments. * Chairman Crocker appears to be inquiring as to whether it is possible for the Subsequent Procedures PDP to adopt a Work Stream 1 & 2 approach similar to the one created for the CCWG on Accountability. The BC knows of no precedent for such an approach within a PDP. We also observe that the Charter created for a PDP requires it to address, at a minimum, all the subject matter specified in the Charter and that it is the general practice of a PDP WG to keep all issues open and subject to potential adjustment up to publication of its proposed draft report and recommendations. Therefore, we believe that any WS 1 & 2 approach for any PDP would need to be specified in its initial Charter and, if not, would require a Charter amendment to be approved by Council. * The BC wishes its Councilors to inquire in regard to what process will be followed within Council in forming a response to Chairman Crocker’s letter. Beyond those preliminary views, and speaking in a personal capacity informed by my Co-Chair position of the RPM Review PDP, I note that our Charter bifurcates our work into two phases, with the first being a review of all new gTLD RPMs and the second being a review of the UDRP. We are currently adhering to our projected work schedule and expect to complete our review of new gTLD RPMs by mid-2017 and to deliver a final report and recommendations (following a public comment period) to the Council by late 2017. We will then commence the UDRP review in early 2018 and have not yet projected how long that second phase might take to complete. I personally see no reason why a subsequent application round would need to await completion of the UDRP review. However, it is the strong view of the BC that no new application round should commence until our WG’s review of the efficacy of the RPMs has been completed and any recommendations for change have been considered by Council and The Board. While I have not yet discussed this matter with the other two Co-Chairs, I personally see no practical means by which we could prioritize our phase 1 RPM review into separate work streams; further, doing so would require wholesale revision (and consequent disruption) of our projected work schedule. I hope that this rather detailed response is of assistance to you and other Council members, and look forward to further initial discussion of this subject during our September 1st Council call. Best regards, Philip Philip S. Corwin, Founding Principal Virtualaw LLC 1155 F Street, NW Suite 1050 Washington, DC 20004 202-559-8597/Direct 202-559-8750/Fax 202-255-6172/Cell Twitter: @VlawDC "Luck is the residue of design" -- Branch Rickey From: [] On Behalf Of Emily Barabas Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 5:41 AM To: Cc: Subject: [Gnso-newgtld-wg] Proposed Agenda: New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group 22 August 2016 13:00 UTC Dear All, Below, please find the proposed agenda for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures WG meeting scheduled for Monday, 22 August at 13:00 UTC: 1. Welcome/Review Agenda 2. SOIs 3. Working Group Meeting Schedule 4. Board Letter to GNSO Council on New gTLDs 4. Work Track (Sub Team) Status Updates 5. CC1 Review Tool 6. AOB Kind regards, Emily Emily Barabas | Policy Specialist ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Email:<> | Phone: +31 (0)6 84507976 From: <<>> on behalf of Nathalie Peregrine <<>> Date: Friday 19 August 2016 at 10:33 To: "<>" <<>> Cc: "<>" <<>> Subject: [Ntfy-gnso-newgtld-wg] Meeting Invitation: New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group 22 August 2016 13:00 UTC Dear all, The next call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group is scheduled to take place on Monday, 22 August 2016 at 13:00 UTC for 90 minutes. 06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 London, 15:00 CEST for other places see: ADOBE CONNECT Room : If you require a dial-out, please email me with your preferred contact number at<> Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Kind regards, Nathalie ____________________________________________________________________________ Participant passcode: NEW GTLD Dial in numbers: Country Toll Numbers Freephone/ Toll Free Number ARGENTINA 0800-777-0519 AUSTRALIA ADELAIDE: 61-8-8121-4842 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA BRISBANE: 61-7-3102-0944 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA CANBERRA: 61-2-6100-1944 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE: 61-3-9010-7713 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA PERTH: 61-8-9467-5223 1-800-657-260 AUSTRALIA SYDNEY: 61-2-8205-8129 1-800-657-260 AUSTRIA 43-1-92-81-113 0800-005-259 BELGIUM 32-2-400-9861 0800-3-8795 BRAZIL SAO PAULO: 55-11-3958-0779 0800-7610651 CHILE 1230-020-2863 CHINA CHINA A: 86-400-810-4789 10800-712-1670 CHINA CHINA B: 86-400-810-4789 10800-120-1670 COLOMBIA 01800-9-156474 CROATIA 080-08-06-309 CZECH REPUBLIC 420-2-25-98-56-64 800-700-177 DENMARK 45-7014-0284 8088-8324 EGYPT 0800000-9029 ESTONIA 800-011-1093 FINLAND 358-9-5424-7162 0-800-9-14610 FRANCE LYON: 33-4-26-69-12-85 080-511-1496 FRANCE MARSEILLE: 33-4-86-06-00-85 080-511-1496 FRANCE PARIS: 33-1-70-70-60-72 080-511-1496 GERMANY 49-69-2222-20362 0800-664-4247 GREECE 30-80-1-100-0687 00800-12-7312 HONG KONG 852-3001-3863 800-962-856 HUNGARY 36-1-700-8856 06-800-12755 INDIA BANGALORE: 91-80-48030674 INDIA MUMBAI: 91-22-49412807 INDIA INDIA A: 000-800-852-1268 INDIA INDIA B: 000-800-001-6305 INDIA INDIA C: 1800-300-00491 INDONESIA 001-803-011-3982 IRELAND 353-1-246-7646 1800-992-368 ISRAEL 1-80-9216162 ITALY MILAN: 39-02-3600-6007 800-986-383 ITALY ROME: 39-06-8751-6018 800-986-383 ITALY TORINO: 39-011-510-0118 800-986-383 JAPAN OSAKA: 81-6-7878-2631 0066-33-132439 JAPAN TOKYO: 81-3-6868-2631 0066-33-132439 LATVIA 8000-3185 LUXEMBOURG 352-27-000-1364 8002-9246 MALAYSIA 1-800-81-3065 MEXICO GUADALAJARA (JAL): 52-33-3208-7310 001-866-376-9696 MEXICO MEXICO CITY: 52-55-5062-9110 001-866-376-9696 MEXICO MONTERREY: 52-81-2482-0610 001-866-376-9696 NETHERLANDS 31-20-718-8588 0800-023-4378 NEW ZEALAND 64-9-970-4771 0800-447-722 NORWAY 47-21-590-062 800-15157 PANAMA 011-001-800-5072065 PERU 0800-53713 PHILIPPINES 63-2-858-3716 1800-111-42453 POLAND 00-800-1212572 PORTUGAL 351-2-10054705 8008-14052 ROMANIA 40-31-630-01-79 RUSSIA 8-10-8002-0144011 SAUDI ARABIA 800-8-110087 SINGAPORE 65-6883-9230 800-120-4663 SLOVAK REPUBLIC 421-2-322-422-25 0800-002066 SOUTH AFRICA 080-09-80414 SOUTH KOREA 82-2-6744-1083 00798-14800-7352 SPAIN 34-91-414-25-33 800-300-053 SWEDEN 46-8-566-19-348 0200-884-622 SWITZERLAND 41-44-580-6398 0800-120-032 TAIWAN 886-2-2795-7379 00801-137-797 THAILAND 001-800-1206-66056 TURKEY 00-800-151-0516 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 8000-35702370 UNITED KINGDOM BIRMINGHAM: 44-121-210-9025 0808-238-6029 UNITED KINGDOM GLASGOW: 44-141-202-3225 0808-238-6029 UNITED KINGDOM LEEDS: 44-113-301-2125 0808-238-6029 UNITED KINGDOM LONDON: 44-20-7108-6370 0808-238-6029 UNITED KINGDOM MANCHESTER: 44-161-601-1425 0808-238-6029 URUGUAY 000-413-598-3421 USA 1-517-345-9004 866-692-5726 VENEZUELA 0800-1-00-3702 VIETNAM 120-11751 ________________________________ No virus found in this message. 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participants (2)
Emily Barabas
Phil Corwin