Dear RDRS Standing Committee,
Please find below the main discussion points and action items from Monday`s meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled for 20 May at 17:30 UTC.
Kind regards,
Feodora and Caitlin
2024-04-22 RDRS Standing Committee - Meeting #06
Main discussion and action items
· Chair raised awareness of the ICANN80 session organized by CSG on RDRS.
2. RDRS Usage Report
Staff to check again on sankey visualization and reasoning.
Org and Chair to look into the Sankey report matter and see where the effort is needed.
3.Finalizing Metric Report changes
· Members were asking regarding the update on from which country LE requests have been made? Last discussion proposed to make the country of origin field mandatory. Org informed that change has not been implemented yet, but
it is on the list of enhancements to be made to require address and phone.
Org called for members to go through the impressions document and prioritize requests. Staff will estimate the level of effort.
· Members noted that questions on compulsory legal process documents are not needed, as LE will not use RDRS to convey compulsory legal process. Once the work of that process is done RDRS is not needed to identify registrars.
RDRS is more of a tool to identify a registrar prior to going through the legal process.
Members agreed to cancel the meeting on 6 May. The next meeting (on 20 May) after that should focus on both data and system enhancements of RDRS.
Members proposed to have a 6 months milestone call on RDRS. Chair proposed to have a dedicated session during ICANN80 on this?
Feodora Hamza
Development Support Manager (GNSO)
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Mobile: +32
496 30 24 15