Thank you Jeff and Susan.  

Though the Board does not intend to insert itself into the ongoing discussions of the small team on this topic, I have noted some questions/suggestions about the text here:  Given the role that RVCs would play regarding registrant eligibility, it is important to make sure that the final proposal captures the agreement between the Council and the Board with respect to RVCs, i.e., that ICANN will not accept an RVC unless it agrees that the commitment(s) are enforceable by ICANN as a practical and legal matter.  If the evaluator determines that a singular/plural is not confusing because of an RVC that ICANN does not believe it can enforce as a practical or legal matter, then the string would not be allowed to proceed outside of a contention set.  Hope my thoughts are obvious, helpful.


On Wed, Jul 3, 2024 at 6:01 PM Jeff Neuman via GNSO-SubProPendingRecs-ST <> wrote:

During the call this week I promised to produce a draft of a proposed process for handling singulars and plurals without the need for creating new definitions for things like "holding sets" or specifying all the details as to who has to evaluate these issues, etc.

Susan Payne and I are submitting this proposal for your views;  It can be found at:

Anyone with the link can access and make comments in the google doc.    

There are 3 parts to this document:

  1. An overall description of the process
  2. Detailed implementation notes explaining why we chose this process and individual components.
  3. Some examples.

We also believe that this proposal would not involve creating content-based requirements for the Registry Agreements.  Rather, they are based on Registrant Eligibility.

We look forward to discussing this within the group.



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