Dear TPR WG Members,


Please find below the notes and action items from today’s call.


The next TPR WG meeting will be on Tuesday, 23 November at 16:00 UTC.

Best regards,


Emily, Julie, Berry, and Caitlin 


Action Items


1. Losing FOA Candidate Recommendations – see: Losing FOA Working Document (beginning on p. 14)


Candidate Recommendation #12: Staff will add a reference/footnote.

Candidate Recommendation #13:

1) Staff to review the discussions to clarify the rationale for this recommendation to have two communications.

2) WG members to suggest wording for the method of sending and period of time (text in brackets).

Candidate Recommendation #14: WG members to suggest wording re: the method of sending and period of time (text in brackets).

Candidate Recommendation #15:

1) WG members to suggest wording re: the method of sending and period of time (text in brackets).

2) Staff to update the context to add text on when this makes sense to be used.

Candidate Recommendation #16: WG members to suggest wording re: the method of sending and period of time (text in brackets).


2. Rationale for Elimination of the Gaining FOA: WG members to review the document at Gaining FOA Working Document [] (beginning on p. 16) and provide suggestions and comments if any.


Transfer Policy Review Phase 1 - Meeting #23

Tuesday 16 November 2021 at 16:00 UTC

1. Roll Call & SOI Updates

2. Welcome & Chair updates

3. Losing FOA Candidate Recommendations – see: Losing FOA Working Document (beginning on p. 14)


Candidate Recommendation #12: The Working Group recommends eliminating from the Transfer Policy the requirement that the Registrar of Record send a Losing Form of Authorization. This requirement is detailed in sections [xxxx] of the Transfer Policy.

Candidate Recommendation #13:

Candidate Recommendation #14:

Candidate Recommendation #15:

Candidate Recommendation #16:

4. Rationale for Elimination of the Gaining FOA – see: Gaining FOA Working Document [] (beginning on p. 16)


ACTION ITEM: WG members to review the Rationale for Elimination of the Gaining FOA – see: Gaining FOA Working Document [] (beginning on p. 16) and provide suggestions and comments if any.


5. AOB