Dear TPR WG members,


Please find below the notes and action items from today’s meeting.


Leadership along with the WG will consider whether to cancel the next meeting on Tuesday, 31 May 2022 at 16:00 UTC.


Best regards,


Emily, Julie, Berry, and Caitlin



Action Items

  1. WG members to review the draft questions and text on recommendation 13.1 for public comment and provide comments/suggestions if any.  See:
  2. Staff to send to the WG list the latest version of the draft Initial Report (that which was sent after the WG meeting on 17 May) – COMPLETE; SEE ATTACHED.
  3. Leadership along with the WG will consider whether to cancel the next meeting on Tuesday, 31 May 2022 at 16:00 UTC.



Transfer Policy Review Phase 1(a) - Meeting #48

Proposed Agenda

24 May 2022


1. Roll Call & SOI updates


2. Welcome and Chair Updates

ACTION ITEM: WG members to review the draft questions and text on recommendation 13.1 for public comment and provide comments/suggestions if any.  See:



3. Return to items flagged for further discussion during last week’s call (see here [])


a. Discussion of Recommendation 19 email thread (please see here) (Mike R.)


Proposed revision:

“Evidence of fraud or [material] violation of the Registration Agreement. Implementation Guidance: The ​​intent of “violation of the Registration Agreement” is not to allow the blocking of transfers due to minor violations, but to allow action in case of substantive contravention of the Registration Agreement.”



b. Recommendation 12 (Mike R.): “Five calendar days, or 120 hours as stated in the report, is too long to wait for a TAC. While most registrars give this to you instantly or within minutes, we wouldn’t want to wait five days if the matter was urgent and a registrar had that kind of time latitude.  We’d strongly prefer a 1-2 calendar day maximum.”’


Preliminary Recommendation 12: “The working group confirms that the Transfer Policy MUST continue to require Registrars to set the TAC at the Registry and provide the TAC to the RNH or their designated representative within five calendar days of a request, although the working group recommends that the policy state the requirement as 120 hours rather than 5 calendar days to reduce any risk of confusion. The working group further recommends that the policy MUST make clear that 120 hours is the maximum and not the standard period in which the TAC is to be provided.”



4. Begin review of items flagged in Proposed Revisions from Working Group members [] document (if any)

ACTION ITEM: Staff to send to the WG list the latest version of the draft Initial Report (that which was sent after the WG meeting on 17 May) – COMPLETE; SEE ATTACHED.


5. AOB

ACTION ITEM: Leadership along with the WG will consider whether to cancel the next meeting on Tuesday, 31 May 2022 at 16:00 UTC.