Dear TPR WG members,


Please find below the notes and action items from today’s meeting.


The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 31 January 2023 at 16:00 UTC.


Best regards,


Emily, Julie, Berry, and Caitlin





Ongoing Actions:

  1. Small Team on Recommendation 13 TTL: Provide revised rationale.
  2. Small Team on threat vectors: Provide language.


Actions from Meeting on 24 January:

1. Re: Recordkeeping: Staff will draft a standalone recommendation with 15 months to insert into the next redline.

2. Re: Recommendation 17: WG members to take the language and suggested revisions back to their groups and provide to the WG at least informal feedback whether the proposed change is supported or not.  See attached redline and screenshot.

3. Re: Recommendations 16 & 17: Staff to suggest language to include in Recommendations 16 and 17 re: 30-day restriction replacing existing restrictions (such as 60-day locks).




Transfer Policy Review - Meeting #78

Proposed Agenda

24 January 2023


1. Roll Call & SOI updates


2. Welcome and Chair Updates



3. Input received on 21 December redline (recommendations 10-22):



4. Proposed language from ICANN Contractual Compliance on record keeping:


“Registrar shall retain all records pertaining to the provision of the TAC to a Registered Name Holder, as well as all notifications sent per the requirements under this Transfer Policy. At a minimum, the records retained in accordance with this section shall document the date/time, means and contact(s) to whom the TAC and notifications are sent. Registrar shall maintain these records for the shorter of two (2) years or the longest period permitted by applicable law, and during such period, shall provide such records to ICANN upon reasonable notice.”





ACTION ITEM: Re: Recordkeeping: Staff will draft a standalone recommendation with 15 months to insert into the next redline.


5. Continued discussion on proposed redline from Small Group on Exemption for Recommendation 17 (see attached)




ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 17: WG members to take the language and suggested revisions back to their groups and provide to the WG at least informal feedback whether the proposed change is supported or not.  See attached redline and screenshot.


Additional Issues:


ACTION ITEM: Recommendations 16 & 17: Staff to suggest language to include in Recommendations 16 and 17 re: 30-day restriction replacing existing restrictions (such as 60-day locks).


6. Possible minor modifications to Losing FOA (see bracketed text below)


Preliminary Recommendation 2: The working group did not reach agreement to eliminate or substantially change the Obligations of the Registrar of Record described in Section I.A.3.1 - I.A.3.6 of the Transfer Policy. Therefore, the working group anticipates that these requirements will largely remain in place. The working group recommends the following minor modifications:


General Discussion:


Discussion on each suggestion:


The term [“Transfer Confirmation”] must be used in place of “Standardized Form of Authorization (FOA).”


[The [Transfer Confirmation] must include the Gaining Registrar’s IANA ID]:




[The [Transfer Confirmation] must include both an opportunity for the RNH to proactively accept the transfer AND an option to cancel the transfer]


[The [Transfer Confirmation] must be provided in English and the language of the registration agreement and may also be provided in other languages]


Issues for the next meeting:

7. AOB